150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Children - General
- Children - Grade 4th-6th
- Children - Grade K-3rd
- Children - Mystery
- Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Children - Non-Fiction
- Children - Picture Book
- Children - Preschool
- Children - Preteen
- Children - Religious Theme
- Children - Social Issues
- Christian - Amish
- Christian - Biblical Counseling
- Christian - Devotion/Study
- Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Christian - Fiction
- Christian - General
- Christian - Historical Fiction
- Christian - Living
- Christian - Non-Fiction
- Christian - Romance - Contemporary
- Christian - Romance - General
- Christian - Romance - Historical
- Christian - Thriller
- Fiction - Action
- Fiction - Adventure
- Fiction - Animals
- Fiction - Anthology
- Fiction - Audiobook
- Fiction - Chick Lit
- Fiction - Crime
- Fiction - Cultural
- Fiction - Drama
- Fiction - Dystopia
- Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
- Fiction - Fantasy - General
- Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
- Fiction - General
- Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
- Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
- Fiction - Historical - Personage
- Fiction - Holiday
- Fiction - Horror
- Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Fiction - Inspirational
- Fiction - Intrigue
- Fiction - LGBTQ
- Fiction - Literary
- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
- Fiction - Military
- Fiction - Mystery - General
- Fiction - Mystery - Historical
- Fiction - Mystery - Legal
- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
- Fiction - Science Fiction
- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
- Fiction - Sports
- Fiction - Supernatural
- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
- Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
- Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
- Fiction - Thriller - Medical
- Fiction - Thriller - Political
- Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
- Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
- Fiction - Time Travel
- Fiction - Urban
- Fiction - Visionary
- Fiction - Western
- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
- Non-Fiction - Animals
- Non-Fiction - Anthology
- Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
- Non-Fiction - Audiobook
- Non-Fiction - Autobiography
- Non-Fiction - Biography
- Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
- Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
- Non-Fiction - Cultural
- Non-Fiction - Drama
- Non-Fiction - Education
- Non-Fiction - Environment
- Non-Fiction - Genealogy
- Non-Fiction - General
- Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
- Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
- Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
- Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
- Non-Fiction - New Age
- Non-Fiction - Occupational
- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
Recommend this book:
Let's Celebrate You!
A Graduation Keepsake for Little Graduates
Junia Wonders

2024 Illustration Award
Kindle Edition
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Let's Celebrate You! is a delightful children's picture book written by Junia Wonders with illustrations by Clarissa Corradin. It is a heartwarming celebration of children's achievements, inspiring them to face future challenges with courage. The book perfectly captures the joys and challenges of school life. The story follows a school student's journey, highlighting the ups and downs of school life, ranging from tests and assignments to joyous moments with classmates. Ultimately, children graduate and look back at their journey with pride, receiving gifts and congratulatory messages from their teachers, family, and friends. This book is a great way to encourage children to embrace their accomplishments and celebrate their milestones, while also reminding them of the importance of hard work and determination.
Let's Celebrate You! is a touching tribute to the happiness and sense of accomplishment that come with finishing a school year. This book is suitable for anyone seeking inspiration or someone who has reached a significant turning point in their life. It reminds us of the resilience, growth, and achievements that children experience and emphasizes the importance of cherishing the support and encouragement they receive from their teachers and loved ones. The beautiful illustrations bring the story to life and the interactive sections make it an engaging and heartwarming read for children. The relatable scenes of children enjoying school life give the book an adventurous feel, and the bright colors are sure to capture readers' attention. It is uplifting and entertaining and will inspire young readers to celebrate their accomplishments and value the support of those around them. I enjoyed reading this book and believe it will be a valuable addition to any child's book collection.
Recommend this book:
A Snuggle Bug's Guide to Hearts in the Wild
Courtney Hanks

2023 Illustration Award
32 Pages
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A Snuggle Bug’s Guide to Hearts in the Wild by Courtney Hanks reminds us that hearts come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are calm and some are wild. A Snuggle Bug should pay attention to what kind of heart they have come into contact with, so they know how to move forward. Some hearts are timid, and you may have to be slow and cautious with your snuggles. Some hearts are excitable, playful, and ready to snuggle anytime. What other kinds of hearts are there and what emotions decide if a heart is ready for the attention of a Snuggle Bug? How does a Snuggle Bug know whether they should snuggle a heart or wait patiently to see how the heart responds to them first?
This picture book will keep young children entertained and giggling while reading or being read to. This adorable story will help children understand how important it is to consider the feelings of others. The illustrations are fun and colorful and will keep children turning pages to see what kind of heart they will learn about next. I recommend A Snuggle Bug’s Guide to Hearts in the Wild by Courtney Hanks to young children who are learning how to read. I love that this book teaches children a basic understanding of kindness, compassion, and empathy that will help them recognize why people respond in different ways. I enjoyed everything about this story and hope that Hanks will create more picture books that set up the building blocks of education for young children as this one does.
Recommend this book:
The Clumsy Chicken
A funny heartwarming tale for children 3-5
Sue Elias, Remesh Ram

2023 Illustration Award
35 Pages
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The Clumsy Chicken by Sue Elias is a charming children’s book about a red fluffy chicken named Chickie who is sweet, but clumsy. All her animal friends at the cozy barn would laugh when she fell or did something clumsy. Chickie continued being her clumsy self, but one day she packed up her bag and surprised all her animal friends by saying she was going to explore the world. She encountered many new animal friends like a fox, a squirrel, and a big rabbit band as her new friends taught her many new things like climbing and spreading her wings. Not once did her new friends laugh at her as she continued being her clumsy self. Returning back to her cozy barn, Chickie felt stronger and wiser as her old friends welcomed her back where she belonged.
Author Sue Elias and illustrator Remesh Ram spin a very delightful story that engages the reader with cute and colorful animals on every page. The scenes are very eye-catching throughout the whole book. The rhyming of the sentences brings giggles and fun for the whole family. At the same time, children are being taught how to value themselves. The Clumsy Chicken teaches very important lessons to young children about self-acceptance and self-love, despite being laughed at by your peers. Self-acceptance and self-love help foster self-esteem and self-confidence which are vital for developing a strong sense of identity and self for young ones.
Recommend this book:
Disgusting Justin
Justin Frank

2023 Illustration Award
36 Pages
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Disgusting Justin written by Justin Frank and illustrated by Lesley Vamos is an engaging, fun-packed children's picture book. Justin is a cheeky youngster who is always up to mischief and running wild. He does hilarious tricks and performs epic fails intended to make his mates chortle. But Justin wants to see them rolling hysterically on the ground. Not making them laugh is one of Justin's greatest fears. When guzzling his milkshake with lots of noisy slurps and burps, and pretending to trip isn't enough, he fakes bumping into a post to hear them giggle. It is like music to his ears whenever they laugh at his legendary fails. Every day he has to take it up a notch and be his wildest yet.
Disgusting Justin is an easy-to-read, amusing story that will brighten your day with a good laugh. It will be even more fun if you read it aloud to youngsters aged three and up. It draws you in from the first page. Justin Frank immerses you in the setting through well-crafted, intriguing word choices, an engaging lyrical tone that rings throughout the book, and a fun main character. Justin might be stubborn sometimes, but he won't fail to make you laugh. The illustrations make his escapades at making his friends laugh even funnier. Lesley Vamos is excellent at ensuring that this story is a feast for the eyes. Throughout this adventure, there are several morals and hidden values. They all seek to encourage us to be our authentic selves, whether in our relationships or when performing tasks. The fact that Justin's new adventure is just beginning at the end of this story means we can look forward to having more fun with him in the future.
Recommend this book:
The Girl and the Lock on Her Heart
A Heartwarming Story for Kids About Self-Love
Lauren Lee

2023 Illustration Award
34 Pages
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In The Girl and the Lock on Her Heart by Lauren Lee, a girl who lives by herself is on a mission to find the key that will fit the empty lock on her heart. One day, a boy who has a key to his heart explains what love is like to the girl and, inspired, she embarks on a quest to look for the key to her own heart. On her journey, she meets people who shower her with affection, and she constructs keys from artwork. She also expresses her love for the objects she possesses but still cannot find the key to her heart. The boy explains that love can also be found within, and after loving herself for the journey that she went on, the little girl receives the key to her own heart. Told like a fairy tale and with vibrant artwork, this is worth adding to your shelf.
I was blown away, first and foremost, by the stunning illustrations Lauren Lee designed for The Girl and the Lock on Her Heart. She truly brings the reader along on this adventure through her play with colors, detailed scenery, and unique style. I would read the book over again for the pictures alone; however, the written portion of the book is spectacular and certainly worth many re-reads as well. In both writing and imagery, this story is gentle with its readers. While the boy talks about the love he receives from his parents, the girl has no family to show her love to but discovers it herself. What a delicate way to demonstrate healing to children and adults who may not have had the benefit of a secure, loving environment. The language is simple enough for early grade school readers to follow on their own, and perfect for group story time.
Recommend this book:
Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be?
Junia Wonders

2022 Illustration Award
42 Pages
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Children are a bundle of potential. As parents, it is crucial to help your children develop their potential to the maximum. Junia Wonders has authored Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be? In this book, Junia shares many possibilities of careers for children to investigate. I love that Junia avoided the old stereotypes that girls could become nurses while boys could become doctors. The career field is wide open for girls and boys to become whatever they want to be. There is no gender stereotyping here. This book is wonderfully rhymed and encouraging. As a parent, read this book with your child and discuss various occupations available. Help your child explore any field they find interesting. Don’t try to force them into a mold you have designed for them.
In Have You Ever Wondered What You Will Be?, Junia Wonders encourages children. She knows that children play make-believe, trying out different roles. This book is designed to open a fantastic world of possibilities for children. The words of Junia are enhanced by the artistic ability of Chiara Nasi. One of the statements Junia makes that I absolutely love talks about the measure of life is not just the successes, but also how you handle failures. She does not deceive children into thinking that life is fair and rainbows are constantly in the sky. She shares that hard times will come, but one must never give up. Junia should be applauded for her brilliant presentation of the future for children. I highly recommend this book and its message for children. Help your child keep their dreams alive!
Recommend this book:
Simon's Tree Party
Stephen G. Bowling

2021 Illustration Award
28 Pages
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Simon lived happily with Mother Bird in their house that was hung on a tree. Simon wanted his friends to come and play with him and Mother Bird agreed. Mother Bird decided to make a big lunch for his friends and also bake some cookies and cakes. Simon was very excited and he invited everyone to his home. Many of his friends like the goose, cow, pig, chicken, and horse said they could not go because they would not fit into his house. Though they were all interested in going to the party, they knew they would not fit into his house. Simon was very sad when he flew back to his house and Mother Bird was sad seeing how upset Simon was. She said they would have their lunch outside right next to their big tree. He went and called them again, and they all had a good time together.
Simon's Tree Party (Simon's Tree House Adventures) by Stephen G. Bowling is a delightfully charming story written in rhyming verses that have a good pace and movement. It is a beautiful story of friendship that will captivate young readers. Vitali Dudarenka's illustrations are as colorful and lively as the characters and the story, and they add color to the pages. It is a lovely read-aloud storybook and can be used in classrooms and school libraries to help children understand friendship and appreciate and accept what others have.
Recommend this book:
Peke-A-Boo! Find the Ball That's Blue
Wendy Zambrana

2021 Illustration Award
32 Pages
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Samantha is a spunky Pekingese puppy who loves to play with her blue ball. However, she frequently cannot find the blue ball. The children’s book, Peke-A-Boo! Find the Ball That’s Blue, written by Wendy Zambrana and illustrated by Anne Zimanski, is a delightful participatory book. The child to whom the book is being read is asked to find the blue ball throughout one day in Samantha’s life. On the first pages, the child is shown that the ball is blue with two white stripes and is told it frequently seems to vanish. When Samantha wakes up one morning, she cannot find her blue ball. She loses it throughout the day, both inside the house and in the yard.
One of the outstanding features of this children’s book is the engagement of the child in the storyline. It will certainly be a fun experience for young children. Another feature is the richly detailed illustrations, making it more difficult for a child to spot the ball. Although the book is written for young children, the drawings will be enchanting to a child for several more years. Additionally, there are several areas where parents can encourage further conversations. For example, in Samantha’s dream titled The Adventures of Samantha and Her Blue Ball, parents can talk to children about dreams and how these may connect to real-life experiences. Author Wendy Zambrana and illustrator Anne Zimanski have crafted a beautiful children’s book in Peke-A-Boo! Find the Ball That’s Blue. A wonderful addition to any child’s library!
Recommend this book:
I Wish You Happiness
Empower Children To Be The Best They Can Be
Michael Wong

2021 Illustration Award
40 Pages
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I Wish You Happiness is a children’s picture book by Michael Wong with illustrations by Ann Baratashvili. This uplifting book is filled with positive and beautiful messages that will inspire young readers. Thoughtful and heartfelt wishes are shared to encourage children to believe in themselves and to live life to the fullest. Knowing that life is filled with ups and downs, children are motivated to be courageous and resilient. To empower themselves, children are encouraged to keep learning and to always try to seek knowledge. Lovely and charming illustrations throughout this book complement the hopeful wishes and sentiments offered. At the end of the story there are a few fun and special bonuses to interest and further engage readers. I Wish You Happiness is a luminous book that radiates hope and warmth.
Michael Wong’s I Wish You Happiness beautifully and succinctly conveys what anyone would wish for the children in their lives, for them to live with hope, strength, and joy. Each page of this book is a joyful reminder to focus on the goodness in life; kindness, peace, love, and generosity. I think this book will brighten anyone’s day and will also make an excellent birthday present for a child or a gift to new parents. Parents and caregivers will enjoy reading this book to children while sharing the meaningful messages that aim to help youngsters think, feel, and do their best. The added bonuses at the end were a pleasant surprise and will excite children. I Wish You Happiness is a highly recommended and inspiring read.
Recommend this book:
KeeKee's Big Adventures in London, England
Shannon Jones

2020 Illustration Award
40 Pages
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KeeKee’s Big Adventures in London, England is part of a series of European travel picture books starring KeeKee, the cute and curious little cat. Author Shannon Jones joins up with illustrator Casey Uhelski to unfold for a small child’s eyes what sightseeing in the amazing metropolis of London is like. KeeKee has been to several big cities in Europe and now, starry-eyed and excited, she drifts with her little hot air balloon (what a fun way to travel) over London. After going on a tour of major locations with a local, KeeKee runs into a sedate little woman in a blue hat who takes KeeKee to tea—the Queen, of course. After learning a lot about England, the cheerful kitty drifts off in search of more places to explore.
This is a great way for kids to discover some of the major tourist attractions in London. Every Londoner KeKee meets is a little animal like herself, presented as mostly her size and very friendly. Shannon Jones nailed a panoramic glance over most of the attractions you might visit during a day touring London and what fun it is to be there for the first time. KeeKee feels special as she is guided by friendly Shakespearean actor Will through a beautifully illustrated medley of sleek modern subways, old stone buildings, and unique British cuisine, and she is genuinely excited and spontaneous as she learns about this great city. A happy tone of really enjoying oneself threads gently through the book and that made me have as much fun with KeeKee’s Big Adventures in London, England as KeeKee herself did.