150 Award Genres
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Young Adult
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- Young Adult - Coming of Age
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- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
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Left Imperialism
From Cardinal Richelieu to Klaus Schwab
Gary Gindler

2024 Finalist
288 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

In a world where ideologies and stances on the political spectrum can quickly unite as well as alienate people, it is dangerous to pick a side without having a better understanding of what you choose to stand for. This is especially because of how, in our current generation (the twenty-first century), many philosophical and ideological concepts are viewed through a loose and flexible lens, blurring the lines defining their essence. This paints the political arena in shades of gray, triggering questions that beg to discern the fundamental values and beliefs of various political factions and instruments of power. Distinguishing political concepts such as Conservatism, Liberalism, Fascism, Marxism, and Anarchism, among others, Gary Gindler tracks the evolution of the “left” from the sixteenth century to the present, unveiling their true agenda masterfully masked behind their multiple manifestations in Left Imperialism: From Cardinal Richelieu to Klaus Schwab.
Gary Gindler’s Left Imperialism: From Cardinal Richelieu to Klaus Schwab is a must-read for lovers of political and philosophical works. With succinct and sophisticated prose, Gindler approaches the crux of the discourse open-mindedly, maintaining a sharp intellectual edge. I found the research and historical facts, alongside Gindler’s insight and a rich library of political and scientific knowledge, extensively enlightening. While the left masquerades as the saviors of the marginalized, they are totalitarians at heart and seek total power as their ultimate goal. It is interesting how they are deeply entrenched in a destructive dance of imperialism, holding the constitution and economy of the West hostage. Gindler is undisputedly a gifted author with a great understanding of philosophy and the intricate art of politics. This book will change your perspective on many aspects of the US and world politics.
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Psychosocial Political Dysfunction of the Republican Party
Dr. Daniel Brubaker

2024 Honorable Mention
306 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

Set apart from a host of contemporary political critiques, Psychosocial Political Dysfunction Disorder of the Republican Party employs a mode of analysis through the lens of widespread neuropathology. Daniel Brubaker’s approach is more persuasive than many texts grounded in political history, which detail institutionalized corruption from an alternative perspective. The well-documented contention that a powerful political faction is composed of leaders who innately disregard facts and evince a mindset that mars the healthy growth of toddlers alone is a clarion call. The book cogently presents the consequences of extensive anti-social behaviors in Republican representatives, supported by a wealth of evidence and case studies. The difference between promoting the greatest good and party fidelity as the polar opposite is particularly telling. In explaining the retention of followers through various means, the promotion of mass delusions, and deliberately minimizing individualism, the harm is evident.
One of the most compelling themes of the book is the evolution of the Party of Lincoln into what currently exists. The observation that President Trump is not a symptom of the Republican Party but rather its epitome—the standard of measure for Congressional Republicans—is a strong point. Daniel Brubaker effectively indicates the importance of that distinction, which explains how the past administration successfully disregarded the COVID pandemic, resulting in unnecessary loss of life. In addition to an extensive critique, ethical Republicans such as Romney and McCain are profiled. Democrats are not exempt from recommendations for improvement, such as their need to distinguish their support for social democracy, which embraces capitalism, to counter Republican attacks. In its comprehensive, balanced approach, extensive evidential support, and unique vantage point, Psychosocial Political Dysfunction Disorder of the Republican Party is highly recommended for Americans of every political persuasion.
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So You Want To Be An Oligarch
A Go-Getting Guide For The Purposeful Plutocrat
C.T. Jackson

2024 Bronze Medal
200 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

So You Want To Be An Oligarch is C.T. Jackson's satirical examination of oligarchy and the atrocities of capitalism. Jackson's profound exploration of oligarchy enables us to understand how different oligarchs in both historical and present times have succeeded in creating their wealth, whether it's tech billionaires who earn much more than their employees or the richest rulers in history who use force and violence to stay in power. The book calls attention to how money has become the major tool used to determine our worth as humans and the sad repercussions of this, including human trafficking and what is referred to as 'the world's oldest profession.' We also see how various companies employ some questionable practices to keep their profits up, such as commercializing water and other natural resources, industrial espionage, lobbying, and more.
I found myself laughing and shaking my head wearily as I read C.T. Jackson's book. Though his words are dripping with sarcastic and stinging humor, his views are rooted in logic and a profound examination of historical powers, including leaders from ancient Africa, Asia, and Europe. Readers who love to think outside the box and ponder uncomfortable truths will love the pertinent, critical messages, such as the irony of becoming rich to give it back to the poor when death comes knocking. The book covers a wide range of topics and themes, including politics, corruption, environmental exploitation, wealth disparity, and Covid-19. Jackson's special gift, So You Want To Be An Oligarch, is a call to all readers to look deep into what makes us human. Its examination of oligarchy is a timely paradigm shifter that mirrors the rate at which our rights and freedoms are sold to the rich few.
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Undermining the U.S. Constitution
Diane S. Vann

2024 Silver Medal
188 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

The rest of the world sees the United States of America as the home of the brave, the land of the free, and a bastion of democracy. This mirage might appear to be the case when you look at the headlines of the news dailies, but sadly, the truth is far from it. An insidious presence has slowly crept into our psyche as a nation, eating into our morals, changing our way of life from the inside, and turning our beloved home into something it is not. That cancer is communism, and it is more widespread than any of you can imagine. Diane S. Vann has watched the signs and compiled a ton of evidence to bolster this disturbing trend that we must end before it is too late. She reveals all in Undermining The US Constitution.
With the help of facts and a comprehensive explanation of Karl Marx's teachings regarding communism, Diane S. Vann strikes down all our once-sacrosanct assumptions about the kind of democracy that our government upholds. In addition to fascinating observations that readers will undoubtedly want to delve into -- to form their own independent opinions on why she sincerely believes the Democratic Party's past proves that they may not have the interests of American citizens at heart in the long run -- there are some insightful pictures of her experiences visiting West Berlin in the wake of the Second World War. What remains consistent is Vann's remarkable level of research effort and the clarity of her explanations. I may not agree with everything she says, but I must admit there is more than enough evidence for readers to take a closer look at Undermining The US Constitution.
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Infectious Injustice
The True Story of Survival and Loss against Corruption, the COVID-19 Disaster inside of San Quentin, and the Dumpster Fire that is Known as Mass Incarceration
Justin Cook

2024 Gold Medal
898 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

Infectious Injustice is an autobiography that details ‘The True Story of Survival and Loss against Corruption, the COVID-19 Disaster inside of San Quentin, and the Dumpster Fire that is Known as Mass Incarceration’. It is best suited to mature readers owing to explicit content and adult references throughout. Penned by author Justin Cook, the work is a powerful, firsthand account of life inside San Quentin, one of the most notorious prisons in the United States. Through his gripping narrative, Cook takes readers on an intense and often harrowing journey, providing a unique perspective on the flaws and injustices of the American prison system.
Author Justin Cook’s honest and powerful work serves as a shocking exposé of the issues within San Quentin and the larger problem of mass incarceration whilst also telling a tale of resilience, endurance, and keeping one’s dignity despite injustice. What I really admired about the tone of the narrative was the fact that Cook doesn't hold back, addressing the corruption, oppression, racism, and fear that are prevalent in the prison environment. He combines a dry and often dark humor with an impressive sense of stoicism to paint a vivid picture of the inmates' daily struggles, including hunger strikes, malnutrition, and the threat of COVID-19. I found the resilience and camaraderie among the inmates particularly touching, especially when they are faced with adversity and often have nobody but one another to turn to. Cook's tale is a testament to the human spirit's endurance, loyalty, and quest for dignity in a system that often treats prisoners as less than human. Overall, Infectious Injustice is not just a well-penned story of survival but also a call to action, challenging the preconceived notions about the incarcerated and the flawed approach to rehabilitation within the prison system. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
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American Grit
From a Japanese American Concentration Camp Rises an American War Hero
John Suzuki

2023 Finalist
194 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

Japanese-American Shiro Kashino was one of the thousands of people captured and held at Minidoka, a former United States concentration camp. Ten camps were created after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, when America declared Japanese Americans on the West Coast to be “resident aliens.” It became everyone’s job to make Minidoka comfortable and livable, and it was here that Shiro met his future wife, Louise Kashino. Shiro joined the United States Army with 6000 men as they needed Japanese-American volunteers to serve and fight in World War II, going to war for the same government that imprisoned him. He would later be regarded as one of the most gallant soldiers of the 442nd Division. The Lost Battalion of the Alamo Regiment was saved by the Japanese-American 442nd Regimental Combat Team in a victory that would become recognized as one of the greatest battles in American history. Thanks to author John Suzuki, the rest of the world will learn what American Grit is.
I commend John Suzuki for his dedication and commitment to completing this historical, educational story and including the most beautiful photos. John has fulfilled Kashino’s wish that the experience of Japanese Americans and the valor of the 442nd RCT during World War II never be forgotten. Readers will appreciate the time and effort it must have taken John to complete his research, travel to various towns, and compile all the information he gathered along the way. John has also included original documents and references for further reading. American Grit is well-written, smooth flowing, and a pleasure to read. Highly recommended to people of all ages.
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Secrets of the Kashmir Valley
A Story of Love, Loss and Courage
Farhana Qazi

2023 Honorable Mention
176 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

In Secrets of the Kashmir Valley by American scholar Farhana Qazi, the author tells an unforgettable true story. It is about the women of the Kashmir Valley as peaceful protestors, political activists, and the prime victims of a brutal war. It is a place of great beauty and immense tragedy. It is also described as Paradise on Earth. But in this land of magic and myth, some madmen and militaries trample on Kashmir’s beauty. Kashmir is in the midst of an active conflict, unsettling and unpredictable. It is not about the politics of war, but the people living inside it. It shares the true, emotional, personal stories of women who struggle, sacrifice and survive against all odds. Every day, someone dies, someone is detained or someone disappears. After seven decades of war, Kashmiris go on living. They go to school. They fall in love. They get married. Many have children. They do what seems normal, despite the protests, politics, and paranoia of living in a place that is not free.
Secrets of the Kashmir Valley is a brilliant book that describes the author’s unique personal observations with a deep knowledge of the region, its people, and its culture to describe Kashmir. The author's bravery, open-mindedness, intelligence, and tenacity take her into danger, real lives, and raw emotions during her journey. It is a very daring story and the style of writing creates ample awareness of what is happening in Kashmir. It gives one the ability to sense other people's emotions and imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. Farhana Qazi's writing style is profound and provides insights into the veil of Kashmir. It gives a heart-breaking reminder that military occupation must end to allow the Kashmiri people to be free. It is so compelling that readers will end up reading the entire book in one sitting. This is a story that must be read by those who wish to understand the role of women in one of Asia’s longest-running wars, almost seven decades, and the motivations, lives, and thoughts of the women in Kashmir.
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America’s Loveless Age
Trumpism, FemPower, the End of Patriarchy (Why Singleton is the New Normal)
Noel Terry

2023 Bronze Medal
266 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 US presidential polls not only sent Americans hurtling down a path with some of their worst fears, but also engaged them in an all-discovery journey politically, socially, spiritually, and in every aspect of life you can think of. Most devastatingly, the liberals and conservatives were left deeply sundered and rather doubtful about the whole idea of “The American Dream”. Is it the Republicans' idea of the good old days of patriarchy apparently being sold as “Make America Great Again”? Is it the Democrats' idea of a liberal society endowed with gender equality (which aggressively promotes women's empowerment)? What exactly does patriarchy entail? Has gender equality made the lives of Americans any better? Which is the right way to go? Find out more, and just how this political heat might be the reason why there is a growing number of singletons in the United States in Noel Terry’s America’s Loveless Age.
Noel Terry’s America’s Loveless Age is a must-read for any political enthusiast. He delves deep into one of the toughest topics among the American people and summarizes his thoughts and ideas succinctly. His unique style of writing impressively conveys his educative and insightful discourse on the political situation in the United States. His sophisticated choice of words and the intensive way he aligns his thoughts exhibit his mastery in the whole subject of politics as well as in the art of writing. Noel Terry is undoubtedly a professional writer. I loved how he advances his ideas unbiasedly and with an open mind. He includes an array of quoted sentiments, statistical data, and a vast reference to historical facts to back his ideas. He maintains both a casual and “down to business” tone throughout the book, occasionally spicing his words with sarcasm, irony, and wit. America’s Loveless Age is a great piece of work.
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Schnooks, Crooks, Liars & Scoundrels
A Field Guide to Identifying Political Buffoons
Gene Berardelli

2023 Silver Medal
234 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

Schnooks, Crooks, Liars and Scoundrels: A Field Guide to Identifying Political Buffoons by Gene Berardelli is an informative and thought-provoking nonfiction guide to exploring the intricacies of government and politics. The author explores the impact of factors like derision and ridicule on American political culture. He examines how some politicians intentionally adopt buffoonish behavior as a tactic to increase their influence and discusses the implications of this phenomenon. So why is this referred to as political buffoonery? How does it relate to self-confidence and ignorance? It's simple; the answers lie within the skills of politicians themselves. This book delves deep into this subject by examining various aspects of American political history and events shaping the modern political scene. Learn about it, participate in the author's extensive discussions, and benefit from his knowledge.
The author provides valuable insights into the tools and strategies required to succeed in politics. He emphasizes the importance of developing a winning attitude and effective communication skills. Gene Berardelli suggests that factors such as "name recognition" can be viable predictors of electoral success but stresses the need for politicians to take proactive steps toward achieving their goals. Drawing inspiration from noted genius Dr. Emmet Brown, the author argues that political buffoonery remains a potential threat to society but can be mitigated through proper measures. He provides readers with a wealth of information and practical advice on navigating the complex world of politics and achieving success. Schnooks, Crooks, Liars and Scoundrels is a well-written and informative read that offers a unique perspective on the modern political landscape. Berardelli's extensive knowledge and expertise are evident throughout this book, making it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in politics or government.
Recommend this book:
How Russia Became a Zombie State
Alexey Molchanov

2023 Gold Medal
404 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics

How Russia Became a Zombie State by Alexey Molchanov revolves around the history of Russia through to its contemporary political climate today, and how the author believes the culmination has resulted in the deterioration of a once great empire. Molchanov shares his expertise as a qualified lawyer from Moscow who has since relocated outside the country and employs his experience as someone who worked within the Russian legal system in multiple capacities. What Molchanov specifically does in this book is comb through the Russian constitution and examine each and every article. Within these articles, he links back to the ways, and very often it is in many ways, that Vladimir Putin has shaped the government for the express purpose of preserving his power and serving his needs regardless of the detriment to the people.
How Russia Became a Zombie State was an interesting read for me, particularly as someone who works within the structure of the justice department, and it is clear that Alexey Molchanov is passionate about the Russian legal machine. This is the first time I have ever read the constitutional document, translated into English, that is intended to be the cornerstone of Russian democracy but is instead worth little more than a box of Kleenex. The most intriguing aspect for me is the constitution itself, which Molchanov annotates where exactly it has been willfully ignored. From a literary standpoint, the writing is of an acceptable standard but would benefit from a more substantive polish. The references to resources for further study give those who would like to do their own digging a map of where to start, which is excellent. For those with a deep interest in Russian history and those who like reading the constitutions of other countries, this will be a good match.