150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
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- Children - Grade K-3rd
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- Christian - Devotion/Study
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- Christian - Romance - General
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- Fiction - Action
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- Fiction - Fantasy - General
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- Fiction - General
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- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
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- Fiction - Mystery - General
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- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
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- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
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- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
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- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
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- Fiction - Thriller - Political
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- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
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- Non-Fiction - General
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- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
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- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
Recommend this book:
Catch Your Breath!
Prepare to Leave the Rut
Linda C. Rice

2024 Finalist
166 Pages
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Christian - General

Catch Your Breath! Prepare to Leave the Rut by Linda C. Rice is an inspiring, educational journey you can take to turn your Christian walk into something extraordinary. Rice explores how boredom can enter your faith journey but offers advice on how to get the most out of your spiritual life or reclaim the happiness and satisfaction you once had. Let's face it. Today's world can be hectic with work, family, school, and other obligations. This can cause one's faith to take a backseat at times. Rice's book will invigorate your faith to get the most out of it as you serve God and others. Rice's primary message is: You don't have to stay in a rut!
Rice brings simple clarity to Christians who want to reclaim the joy they once had. There is a lot to love about this book and the things the author has to say. One is about being aware of who you are and who God says you are by making the most of your daily walk by being in the right place at the right time. Another is the infectious vibe Rice puts forth. A third is how Rice opens our minds to possibilities and opportunities, which present themselves if we are aware enough to notice and act on them. This book is packed with Scripture references, which serve as a foundation for each chapter. Rice's time in Africa lends such a personal and emotional feel that it becomes a memoir and Christian guide. Rice has accomplished a great achievement in Christian books. She's written one every Christian can use to deepen their faith. If you want to rediscover God's power and the glory you once felt toward your faith, put Catch Your Breath! by Linda C. Rice at the top of your reading list.
Recommend this book:
A Collection of My Fervent Prayers
Justin K Kojok

2024 Honorable Mention
285 Pages
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Christian - General

In his book, Intercessor, Justin K Kojok compiled prayers for everyone as they walk on their spiritual journey. Christian in nature, the prayers are tied to scripture and the author's time in meditation with the Lord. The entries focus on many topics, like love, happiness, and worry. Kojok covers concerns about the community, family and friends, the needy, and local and country-specific leaders. The author lists a verse from the Bible and supplies a prayer consistent with its meaning. Readers may look at each prayer, but can also focus on the ones pertaining to their current needs. Kojok hopes to deepen his readers' connection to God.
Justin K Kojok guides readers through many things we may want, like wisdom and freedom from anxiety, with heartfelt words that encompass the need for our Heavenly Father in everything we do. With clear and conscious words and a rich vocabulary, Kojok invites you to pray the prayers and seek solace within the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. You may find prayers that seem like they are just for you and your situation and see something you want in the genuine lines but never thought to ask God for it - like to be in alignment with the Holy Spirit. As I read, a peaceful feeling washed over me, consistent with when I give my worries to the Lord. Kojok's devotions may help individuals who want to pray but don't always have the words to describe their feelings and give others another avenue for spiritual growth. Whether you're brokenhearted or ready to shout gratitude and joy, Intercessor will speak to your heart and help strengthen your prayer life.
Recommend this book:
Take Heart
The Overcomer's Path Through Conflict
Gary Wooden

2024 Bronze Medal
171 Pages
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Christian - General

Whether they are slight misunderstandings or escalated arguments, we all experience conflicts. When these chaotic situations abound, do you stop for a second and think, "If only I could avoid this?" Do you ever wish there was an easy way to navigate the conflict minefield? I certainly do! It's the reason I picked up Take Heart: The Overcomer's Path through Conflict. This relatively short book by Gary Wooden is here to help us grow in hope through endurance, encouragement, and wisdom, even when the storms of hardship and difficulty rage on. We can't help but sometimes wonder why God allows conflicts and suffering to be so prevalent in our world. But with this special book, you'll learn and understand His purpose in your tribulations and how to find fulfillment in your daily life as a child of God. Wooden shares principles and possible ways, backed up with numerous empowering scriptures from the Bible, about how to tackle the challenges in the conflicts and emerge victorious.
I found the author's experiences and discussions especially insightful, and the solutions were practical and essential to healthy Christian living. I also really loved how well he addressed how disputes over words and non-essential issues can sometimes lead to the destruction of the witness of love among Christians. The author constantly reminds readers throughout the book that though there's no easy road through conflict, we must embrace the trials because "He goes before us to defeat the enemy, but we have to engage in the battle to see it fully accomplished." That really encouraged me to believe that everything would eventually turn out all right. While Take Heart offers a unique and refreshing opportunity to explore Christianity, it's a celebration of how we are all connected to the bigger picture through the immersive, eternal love of Christ. Grab a copy to see how He would have you walk through life as an overcomer. Many thanks to Gary Wooden for crafting Take Heart.
Recommend this book:
Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation
Jay Morris PhD

2024 Silver Medal
248 Pages
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Christian - General

Masterpiece: Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation by Jay Morris Ph.D. is a wonderful Christian book that focuses on learning more about the Holy Spirit, who and what He is, and His role in our lives. This book has been written in such a way as to appeal to seasoned Christians and those just becoming interested in learning more. The memoir style of the book that flows throughout will appeal to inquiring minds. The introduction into how Jesus worked in the author’s life is sure to enthuse readers with a desire to learn more. The deeper teaching backed up completely with the relevant Bible Scriptures will inspire and encourage Christians at any stage of their walk.
I believe reading Masterpiece will both inspire and empower the reader. I am a long-time Christian, and even though I am studious and have a strong faith, parts of this book reached out and touched me like no other study guide has done. Jay Morris Ph.D. has served twenty-five years in various roles such as board chairman, deacon, and Sunday school teacher in multicultural churches across the US. This strong background reinforces the authenticity of his teaching in this book. I have been inspired and uplifted by reading it and I intend to read it again from time to time to fully understand everything taught about the Holy Spirit. The real-life experiences the author shares both moved and encouraged me. I will truly treasure my copy of this book and look forward to moving closer to God as I allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life. Very highly recommended.
Recommend this book:
God is Good
Revised Second Edition
Margaret Liu Collins

2024 Gold Medal
266 Pages
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Christian - General

God is Good by Margaret Liu Collins is both a memoir and a testimony of the life of a woman learning to trust in a trustworthy God. In this book, the author takes the reader through the extraordinary miracles and seemingly mundane experiences that have defined her life. There are dark moments that deepened her understanding of God’s love, such as an unchosen divorce and the severe injury of a child, and moments of plenty and rejoicing, such as when she felt prompted to make financial investments that brought her family out of hardship. Collins describes her experiences with prayer, giving, witnessing, and even praying in tongues, and the many ways that all these gifts and sacrifices have drawn her back to the same truth—our God is a loving Father who is generous beyond our imagination and worthy of all praise.
As a Christian, God is Good by Margaret Liu Collins both challenged and encouraged me even beyond my expectations. In telling her story, Collins tactfully speaks about abuse, wrestling with her faith, and her complicated feelings during these times with humility, honesty, and clarity. The book cites Bible passages frequently, which I appreciated, both for having claims about God’s goodness that I agreed with wholeheartedly, and theological claims that challenged me or caused hesitation. I recommend this book even to readers who are concerned they may not fully agree with Collins on every point—her dedication to pointing the reader back to the need for a relationship with God will bolster faith and encourage deeper meditation on the Kingdom of God.
Recommend this book:
Letters to My Father
Crissie Ann Leonard

2023 Finalist
112 Pages
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Christian - General

Letters to My Father by Crissie Ann Leonard is an intriguing Christian novel. Wiletta Jayne, the protagonist, recognized that she was drifting away from her intimate relationship with God, her Father. With this in mind, she took time off work to rekindle her passion for God. During this planned period with God, He led her to buy a stack of letters at a yard sale. These letters were prayers that several persons wrote during times of anguish. Some asked God for help in their difficult situations while others directed their rage at Him for allowing them to experience pain. Wiletta prayed for each of them, but her Father wanted her to do more. She was called to connect with them.
I thoroughly enjoyed Letters to My Father by Crissie Ann Leonard. The issues addressed here are so varied that most readers would be able to relate to at least one of them. Some of the challenges include feelings of loneliness and abandonment, depression, miscarriages, marital issues, and food addiction. I was inspired to pray for those who are facing these struggles. Although I did not like how every dilemma was resolved, I appreciated the authenticity of all the characters. I found the dialogue realistic and thought-provoking. As a Christian, I enjoyed how the scriptures and the significance of the meaning of names were emphasized. I believe that this novel will inspire those who read it to emulate Wiletta and pursue a deeper connection with God. I highly recommend this work to everyone.
Recommend this book:
I Am Sarah
James Davison

2023 Honorable Mention
186 Pages
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Christian - General

I Am Sarah by James Davison is an action-packed continuation in the chronicles of three people raised from the dead by Jesus Christ – Lazarus of Bethany, Elan, the son of the widow of Nain, and Sarah, the daughter of Jairus. Three people who, through their resurrection, received immortality. Down through the centuries, with the guidance of the angel Gabriel, these three are given tasks to perform to ensure the preservation of the faith, becoming catalysts for change and agents of mercy or judgment. In this novel, Sarah takes over the guidance of a school in Italy to assist women in learning the healing arts, while dealing with her inner demons over her participation in the violence of the Crusades. All while she and her immortal friends avoid capture by a secret faction dedicated to returning them to the grave… permanently!
I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing adventure through the Middle Ages. And what’s not to like? A faith-filled fantastic journey down through the ages laced with charm and wit. The banter between these immortals and the world-changing figures they visit is engrossing and thought-provoking. The characters were realistic, the stakes were high, the action was intense, and the world-building was exquisite. I Am Sarah by James Davison mixes the historic with the fantastic with grace and care. The eras described and the settings throughout history show research and vision, and I found the whole of it an immersive and enjoyable read. I highly recommend this novel to fans of faith-filled Christian fantasy.
Recommend this book:
The One Truth (Chronicles of the One Truth)
Kayla E. Green

2023 Bronze Medal
124 Pages
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Christian - General

War is brewing and all is not well on the Great Continent. Two young people, from the far reaches of the continent, must find each other and find their own true meaning of life. In the process, they must follow blind faith and a prophet, Aivan, a god no one else believes still exists. Rune, from Kansanai in the north, and Rolf from Etalentin in the south are challenged by conflicting beliefs and the one god, Aivan, also known as the One Truth, who speaks out against everything the two young people once believed to be true. In between, there are evil forces at play, royals who will stop at nothing to secure their position of power, and the two young people, now on a quest for the one truth, must face danger and possible death as their quest intensifies.
Kayla E. Green’s young adult novel, Aivan: The One Truth, is the first book in the Chronicles of the One Truth series. Told from multiple points of view, primarily the two main characters, Rune and Rolf, the plot evolves from the two extremities of the continent until the two characters discover each other and continue their quest together. The plot is well developed with believable characters and beautifully described narrative passages. Like the compelling stories of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia, paralleling the stories of faith in the New Testament, this story will appeal to young readers, challenging them to confront their own quest in a search for self-identity and faith. Powerful story – I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Recommend this book:
New Every Morning
A 31-Day Devotional
Dr. Tim Riordan

2023 Silver Medal
210 Pages
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Christian - General

This week I’ve been diving into Dr. Tim Riordan’s devotional journal New Every Morning, which takes us on a 31-day plan to explore the meaning of God’s love and the places in our lives where we can see it daily. Grounding the teachings of the Bible within the minutiae of day-to-day life, it illustrates how God’s word and the lessons shared with us in the Bible can and should be allowed to influence our daily decisions to enrich our lives with core Christian values. It is a thoroughly accessible work, breaking down the big ideas in the Bible into daily doses, each of which is easy to reflect on and apply.
I have always found the Bible has barriers for people who wish to understand its messages, such as the historical context in which it was first written and the assumption that everyone will understand the social and political backgrounds at play. Dr. Tim Riordan is not just a capable scholar who has carefully grounded his faith with this understanding but also an excellent teacher and guide for the many Christians who should pick up a copy of New Every Morning. His writing style allows for his philosophical understanding of the text and his academic knowledge of the Bible to become accessible to everyone. He brings the teachings of God into the modern world in a way that anyone on a journey of faith can access and apply easily in their lives.
Recommend this book:
The Night Cometh
20 Fantastical Short Stories
Lorilyn Roberts

2023 Gold Medal
184 Pages
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Christian - General

The Night Cometh: Fantastical Short Stories by Lorilyn Roberts reminds us that we are all sinners. If we were placed on the stand in front of a judge, how would we fare given all the wrongs we’ve committed in our lives? Would we be sentenced, having been found guilty as charged, or would someone else - our heavenly redeemer - stand up for us? Isn’t that why Jesus died on the cross - for our sins and our redemption? Twin brothers, one a doctor, the other a priest, each seeks the life that the other leads, as life looks greener in distant pastures. Or is it merely a case of seeking the peace and salvation God offers us through his son, Jesus? “Salvation is a gift, but rewards are earned. Think about it. Each of you wants what your twin brother has. Is that not like Satan, to fool you into believing that what the other person has is better?” These are powerful thoughts to ponder.
I always enjoy immersing myself in a good read, especially one written by an insightful author like Lorilyn Roberts. In her recent collection of stories, The Night Cometh, the author leads the reader on a path of faith, inner peace, and deep contemplation. She tackles some difficult and compelling issues concerning heaven, hell, life, death, eternity, and much more. Each story is impactful and thought-provoking and will guide readers into a deeper understanding and acceptance of what we learn from the scriptures. Biblical verses introduce each chapter and are also incorporated into the text to add credence and structural meaning. The stories are deep, either revealing the author’s perspective or venturing into the dangerous world in which we live. Don’t sell your soul to the devil, don’t seek death as a means to discover true happiness, and don’t believe your life is less worthy than that of your brothers and sisters. There is much we can learn from these stories and the faith that has inspired them. Thanks again, Lorilyn, for sharing your insights.