150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Children - General
- Children - Grade 4th-6th
- Children - Grade K-3rd
- Children - Mystery
- Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Children - Non-Fiction
- Children - Picture Book
- Children - Preschool
- Children - Preteen
- Children - Religious Theme
- Children - Social Issues
- Christian - Amish
- Christian - Biblical Counseling
- Christian - Devotion/Study
- Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Christian - Fiction
- Christian - General
- Christian - Historical Fiction
- Christian - Living
- Christian - Non-Fiction
- Christian - Romance - Contemporary
- Christian - Romance - General
- Christian - Romance - Historical
- Christian - Thriller
- Fiction - Action
- Fiction - Adventure
- Fiction - Animals
- Fiction - Anthology
- Fiction - Audiobook
- Fiction - Chick Lit
- Fiction - Crime
- Fiction - Cultural
- Fiction - Drama
- Fiction - Dystopia
- Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
- Fiction - Fantasy - General
- Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
- Fiction - General
- Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
- Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
- Fiction - Historical - Personage
- Fiction - Holiday
- Fiction - Horror
- Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Fiction - Inspirational
- Fiction - Intrigue
- Fiction - LGBTQ
- Fiction - Literary
- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
- Fiction - Military
- Fiction - Mystery - General
- Fiction - Mystery - Historical
- Fiction - Mystery - Legal
- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
- Fiction - Science Fiction
- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
- Fiction - Sports
- Fiction - Supernatural
- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
- Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
- Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
- Fiction - Thriller - Medical
- Fiction - Thriller - Political
- Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
- Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
- Fiction - Time Travel
- Fiction - Urban
- Fiction - Visionary
- Fiction - Western
- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
- Non-Fiction - Animals
- Non-Fiction - Anthology
- Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
- Non-Fiction - Audiobook
- Non-Fiction - Autobiography
- Non-Fiction - Biography
- Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
- Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
- Non-Fiction - Cultural
- Non-Fiction - Drama
- Non-Fiction - Education
- Non-Fiction - Environment
- Non-Fiction - Genealogy
- Non-Fiction - General
- Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
- Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
- Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
- Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
- Non-Fiction - New Age
- Non-Fiction - Occupational
- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
Recommend this book:
Wall Street Kitchen
The Recipe Behind a Housewife's 1000% Stock Return
Victor Chiu

2017 Finalist
244 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

Have you ever wanted to invest in stock? Has the thought of becoming independently wealthy become a dream for another lifetime? For years, the Stock Market has been a much-feared enigma to the average Joe. Full of risks, yet full of hope, the Stock Market is more than just a way to invest. It is a way to become independently wealthy. But only if you have the right recipe. The Wall Street Kitchen by Victor Chiu shares his stay-at-home mom's method that made her a 1000% return on her stocks, with chapters discussing the pros and cons of trading, investing, and brokering, along with clearly written sections on the differences between a broker, a trader, and an investor. Are you ready to start investing in your financially sound future?
The Wall Street Kitchen (The Recipe Behind A Housewife's 1000% Stock Return) by Victor Chiu is a unique book, combining his mother's Stock Market investing "recipe" with delicious home-cooked recipes. The author writes candidly about his mother, who went from a struggling immigrant housewife to Stock Market extraordinaire in a few years. The information contained in his book is a must-read for those who are ready to start investing on their own.
In a friendly conversational style, the reader is invited to sit at his mother's table to learn her risk free method for investing money in the market. Complete with easily understood forms and clear diagrams, the reader will not only be comfortable with creating their own portfolio, but they will also feel confident in their investments. I would recommend this book for anyone interested in learning the ups and downs of the mysterious Stock Market.
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Your Key to the Akashic Records
Access Your Personal Spiritual Advisor 24/7 to Fulfill Your Soul’s Highest Potential
Jiayuh Chyan

2017 Bronze Medal
150 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

For those seeking greater understanding of their lives from a spiritual perspective, this book is invaluable. Born and raised in Taiwan, Jiayuh Chyan came to the US in 1988 for graduate school. After a marriage of 17 years, and a divorce, the author embarked on a healing journey. Beginning with energy medicine modalities, she was drawn to work with the Akashic Records. In her book, Your Key to the Akashic Records: Access Your Spiritual Advisor 24/7 to Fulfill Your Soul’s Highest Potential, author Jiayuh Chyan gives this definition of the Records: “The Akashic Records is an energetic or vibrational recording of all thoughts, events, and experiences of our soul through all lifetimes, including past, present, and all future possibilities.” The book is a combination of her personal journey to discover her true life mission, and a primer on how to access your own records.
Ms. Chyan writes with unmatched sincerity and clarity. Her personal story is both honest and inspiring. Disclosing her own doubts along the process will resonate for anyone who seeks healing. She articulates the steps of accessing the Records, through the use of a special prayer and practical exercises. Additionally, there are links to free videos the reader can watch. All the teaching sections are well-written and can be easily followed. Real-life examples provide encouragement and hope to the reader. This is a book to be worked with and savored, guiding the reader to find her/his path to spiritual healing.
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Golden Words
The A-to-Z Toolkit for Changing Your Life One Word at a Time
Sally Stone Ed.D.

2017 Silver Medal
310 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

In today’s world, everyone is constantly bombarded with questions, challenges, issues and crises regarding relationships, finances, employment, everyday life, health and global events. Finding simple pleasures and experiencing joy seems to be increasingly elusive so a guide like Golden Words: The A to Z Toolkit for Changing Your Life One Word at a Time by Dr. Sally Stone Ed.D. is one way to reconnect to inner peace and rediscover the power of our own intuition and inherent understanding for a better grasp of life. Dr. Stone provides thoughtful, empowering, and easily applicable suggestions for using the psychologically proven power of positive affirmations and images to achieve a sense of strength and direction for effecting change in our lives. Starting with small steps and utilizing ‘golden words’ that evoke strong mental connections, it is possible to find balance and the ability to move past both mental and physical hurdles to become better, happier, and healthier people.
Golden Words is a must-have on any bookshelf belonging to someone interested in self-help, healing, and general peace of mind. It is, indeed, a toolkit that provides easy to follow suggestions for finding the right words to enable positive growth using mantras, affirmations, and auto-suggestions. While Dr. Stone acknowledges the importance of consulting trained professionals for the best guidance, this book is based on sound principles, self-discovery, and a lifetime of learning and growing that helped Dr. Stone regain control of her own life. In a warm and giving way, Dr. Stone invites everyone to embrace the idea of Golden Words and use the ‘toolkit’ to become the best possible version of themselves with a little effort and determination. A superbly written guide for the average person to gain some control over their thought processes for a happier life. The author's work is well conceived, genuine and straight forward, and can undoubtedly provide many people with the nudge they need to make strides in improving their mental outlook as well as overcoming challenges.
Recommend this book:
Reality Unveiled
The Hidden Keys of Existence That Will Transform Your Life (and the World)
Ziad Masri

2017 Gold Medal
216 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

In 1963, I read a book by Doctor Joseph Murphy that talked about the power of the subconscious mind. The information was mind-boggling for a young teenager but the author wove his concepts with religion and prayer to such a degree I missed, and subsequently disregarded, the spiritual message within. Still, as I endured the religious brainwashing of every child growing up in America’s Bible belt at the time, a spark was ignited that eventually led me away from religion. Years later, I discovered the works of Doctor Michael Newton and past lives regression therapy, and a few years after that, a book titled, The Secret. I've read countless books since the mid-sixties, and nothing has been equal to the carefully designed and presented concepts in this book by Ziad Masri. Reality Unveiled added fresh insight into my personal beliefs in the immortality of the spirit and oneness of the universe.
From the concept, The Law of One—creator and creation—to the spirit realm and history of our world, Masri presents these difficult to explain ideas, with plenty of scientific examples and background, so that everyone can understand. As well read as I am in these concepts, Masri surprised and enlighten me in several ways. For example, his take on the Law of Attraction (The Secret) is eye-opening, summed up by a Carl Jung quote, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Masri explains the tremendous jumps forward in human evolution and development in periods of time less than one percent of what evolution (as we define it) should have taken. He talks about visits from otherworldly spirits (my avoidance of the word “alien” is intentional) that have helped speed up human development here and elsewhere throughout the universe and defines their monuments, created many millennium ago, both here and on other planets and moons visible in our galaxy.
Masri combines these and many more concepts to create a vision of purpose, hope and a connection to infinite knowledge, but most of all he leads us to the foundation that holds all of creation together—love. I highly recommend “Reality Unveiled” to everyone interested in the secrets of life and all that life entails, from birth to death and life beyond death.
Recommend this book:
I Have MS.
What's Your Super Power?
Lisa A. McCombs

2016 Finalist
80 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

I Have MS. What’s Your Super Power? This is a book by a sufferer of Multiple Sclerosis, Lisa A. McCombs. It is her personal story, written to help fellow sufferers and their families. It explains how the disease once caused those whose immune systems come under its attack to be locked in asylums, and that it is still not recognised as widely as it should be. She goes on to describe current treatments, their usefulness and side effects, and her own way of tackling living with Multiple Sclerosis. “Suicide is not an option.”
Lisa A. McCombs has written a book that is informative, encouraging and, incredibly, carries the reader to the end on a wave of humour. “My neighbor had MS. He died last week”. This is: "I Have MS. What’s Your Super Power?" MS is the invader and the author is the Super Hero. She describes the symptoms and their tragic effects on quality of life and relationships in detail. Initial diagnosis brought fear. Where many crumble, given the appalling prognosis, Ms McCombs fought to control the disease, to keep her six-month-old son, and to return to teaching, and she is still fighting. Her weapon of choice is common sense, aided by online research into all her medication, the alternatives, and ways to keep her mobility. She has included numerous useful reference sources, and the results of a survey she conducted on Facebook. The survey reveals both the diversity of the ways sufferers are afflicted, and how many of their problems are shared.
It is a brave book by a very determined lady. It offers a great deal of practical advice to those attacked by the incurable disease, and should be mandatory reading for all who are in close contact with them. It is a book suitable to use in schools, and should be stocked by libraries worldwide. Awareness of Multiple Sclerosis is a must if funds needed to investigate this “invisible” disease properly are ever to be made available.
Recommend this book:
The Virus of The Modern Age
Tony Jeton Selimi

2016 Finalist
Kindle Edition
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

#Loneliness: The Virus Of The Modern Age by Tony Selimi is the warm embrace a world suffering from a devastating epidemic of self-doubt, rejection, and loneliness desperately needs. From the first pages of his book, Tony Selimi assures his readers that they are indeed in the right place at the right time and, in fact, they are the cure to this epidemic of loneliness that threatens to cripple us all.
In #Loneliness: The Virus Of The Modern Age, bestselling, award-winning author and human behavior, cognition and emotional intelligence expert Tony Selimi peels back the layers of his life and reveals the shame and guilt, repressed sexuality and fear he experienced as a homeless war refugee turned family man and high level corporate IT manager. In a moment that might have been predicted to be his cataclysmic failure, author Tony Selimi tells us how he found the courage to walk away from his already successful life and turn towards his most powerful inner truth. In a way that is intended to evoke our own transformational powers, Tony Selimi shares how he began the arduous journey of reclaiming his life and stepping into his destiny as a successful entrepreneur, highly acclaimed international speaker, and respected spiritual teacher and healer. Today he shares hope and hard-earned wisdom about loneliness and power with the world through the pages of #Loneliness: The Virus Of The Modern Age, his award-winning books, training, and programs.
Well written, thought provoking and deeply inspiring, #Loneliness: The Virus Of The Modern Age doesn't just tell us his phenomenal story of success and genuine happiness and leave us admiring his success and achievement, but informs us about the facts behind the epidemic of loneliness, and gently guides us with his five-step AWARE formula and power-filled “light bulb” moments to find the courage to reclaim our own health, wealth, and happiness. It’s been said that to get better answers, we've got to learn how to ask better questions. In #Loneliness, Tony Selimi offers us not one, but many great questions. Questions like, “What can you do daily to activate your light and remain switched on?" dare us to not just survive loneliness, depression and anxiety, but to find the fire that ignites and transforms us.
Step by step, chapter by chapter, Tony Selimi challenges us not to just learn from and celebrate his journey from loneliness to greatness, but rather he offers a well crafted tool designed to empower and heal our lives so that we then can join efforts in creating an epidemic of hope and healing on the planet.
Recommend this book:
Your Living Legacy
How Your Parenting Style Shapes the Future for You and Your Child
Shelli Chosak

2016 Finalist
188 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

Your Living Legacy: How Your Parenting Style Shapes the Future for You and Your Child by Shelli Chosak is a helpful guide for parents to develop a healthy relationship with their children by skillful parenting. The book is also an eye-opener to enable parents to understand their parenting style and its impact on their children, to learn more about themselves, their children, and how to have a better relationship with them, to find out what should be done to prevent harm, and to identify the actions that work. The book is good for self-reflection and also how to learn from children, something which no book can teach.
There is nothing like good parenting and most of the time your style of parenting will be similar to how you were raised as a child. The book is not only about improving parent-child relationships, but also about discovering yourself. The mother-daughter relationship is the most challenging and, though it targets mothers and daughters, fathers can also benefit by reading this book. The author also speaks about the different parenting styles, many of which can adversely affect children during their growing stages.
The book builds awareness among parents and will also help them make positive changes in their parenting styles. It's also a good book for caregivers and all those who work with children to help them handle kids in a better manner. No one is perfect and this book shows readers that there is beauty in imperfection and how to be a better role model to your kids. A useful book for all those who want to improve on their parenting skills.
Recommend this book:
The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment
Ann Purcell

2016 Honorable Mention
184 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment by Ann Purcell is an excellent guide to inner peace through meditation, and it is presented to us through the author's own experiences and the teachings of many people throughout history. It is filled with quotes and useful information, as well as poetry and anecdotal stories. I particularly enjoyed the poem 'Letting Go' about the cosmic consciousness. The book describes varying levels of consciousness, including the God Consciousness, and it is filled throughout with footnotes and hyperlinks detailing many important parts of the book, as well as people, historical events that are of relevance, and more information to put the teachings in context.
The author does a great job of keeping the information fresh, and delivering it with a lot of different teaching methods. Each chapter comes with poems and experiences that can help the reader relate to and see it in a different way than simply blocks of text. I've always found meditation to be an interesting and spiritual process, but it's never been something I could manage. I felt like this book covered everything from basics to advanced levels, but in a very personable and approachable format. For example, there is information about the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, which the author describes as a sort of Rocket Ship of evolution.
The author is very excited about the events and teachings she is describing, and it becomes contagious while reading it. It felt very current, discussing things like TED talks and 60 Minutes alongside very ancient teachings. The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment by Ann Purcell shows us the journey of enlightenment for one woman and can help anyone who is interested in going on a journey of their own to take that first step.
Recommend this book:
Unbound Intelligence
Discover the God Within
Rajeev Kurapati

2016 Honorable Mention
270 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

Unbound Intelligence: Discover the God Within by Rajeev Kurapati is based on an inspirational theme of self-discovery that speaks about the complexities of the human mind. The author has woven together religion, science, and traditions with personal experiences. With a thought-provoking theme, the book expands one's thinking prowess and transcends all boundaries to set us free from the usual norms of belief. The complex theme has been conveyed in a simple manner, making it accessible for readers from all walks of life. The book will take you through a fruitful journey of soul-searching and being more acquainted with the human mind.
I enjoyed reading this book because it is a learning experience to unravel the concepts of spirituality and the realization of how one's perception can be so limited. The author's rich knowledge is expansive and evident from the contents. The unique approach to the usual conventional topics makes it very original and gives the freedom of choice to each individual to choose what is right for them in terms of following God. It will stimulate your thoughts and channel them in a positive way. Reading the book is a learning process.
The book takes readers to another level where the possibility of bliss and peace seems tangible. Reading this is an enriching and liberating experience and the ideas and concepts are profound; the author's knowledge and expertise shine through the entire book.
Recommend this book:
30 Days, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life
A couple of small steps every day to create the life you want
Marc Reklau

2016 Bronze Medal
203 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Self Help

Marc Reklau's 30 Days - Change Your Habits, Change Your Life is an excellent self-help book that offers a lot of concrete suggestions about how you might go about fixing things in your life. It has a long series of micro-chapters, each of which has a very solid and pronounced theme and idea it is trying to convey to the reader. Each chapter starts with a quote or two that signifies the idea, then explains what the author is trying to convey, and ends with a few activities the reader can try out. Some of the activities are 'fill in the blanks' to help set goals, or commitments being assigned to motivate the reader into following through. All of it revolves around the idea that if we change the way we act, everything else will fall into line.
A lot of what is written here is common sense or the kinds of things people talk about in every self-help or motivational work. Eat better, drink more water, get more sleep, treat your body like a temple, surround yourself with good things. It all sounds incredibly simple when presented like this, and I like the fact that this book encourages the reader to follow through with the next step of actually committing to these changes. There is nothing revolutionary about this work, and it is only for a very specific audience, but that audience will enjoy it thoroughly, if for no other reason than the selection of quotes. Reading 30 Days - Change Your Habits, Change Your Life by Marc Reklau will help turn anyone into a real winner.