150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Children - General
- Children - Grade 4th-6th
- Children - Grade K-3rd
- Children - Mystery
- Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Children - Non-Fiction
- Children - Picture Book
- Children - Preschool
- Children - Preteen
- Children - Religious Theme
- Children - Social Issues
- Christian - Amish
- Christian - Biblical Counseling
- Christian - Devotion/Study
- Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Christian - Fiction
- Christian - General
- Christian - Historical Fiction
- Christian - Living
- Christian - Non-Fiction
- Christian - Romance - Contemporary
- Christian - Romance - General
- Christian - Romance - Historical
- Christian - Thriller
- Fiction - Action
- Fiction - Adventure
- Fiction - Animals
- Fiction - Anthology
- Fiction - Audiobook
- Fiction - Chick Lit
- Fiction - Crime
- Fiction - Cultural
- Fiction - Drama
- Fiction - Dystopia
- Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
- Fiction - Fantasy - General
- Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
- Fiction - General
- Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
- Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
- Fiction - Historical - Personage
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- Fiction - Horror
- Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Fiction - Inspirational
- Fiction - Intrigue
- Fiction - LGBTQ
- Fiction - Literary
- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
- Fiction - Military
- Fiction - Mystery - General
- Fiction - Mystery - Historical
- Fiction - Mystery - Legal
- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
- Fiction - Science Fiction
- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
- Fiction - Sports
- Fiction - Supernatural
- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
- Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
- Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
- Fiction - Thriller - Medical
- Fiction - Thriller - Political
- Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
- Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
- Fiction - Time Travel
- Fiction - Urban
- Fiction - Visionary
- Fiction - Western
- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
- Non-Fiction - Animals
- Non-Fiction - Anthology
- Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
- Non-Fiction - Audiobook
- Non-Fiction - Autobiography
- Non-Fiction - Biography
- Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
- Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
- Non-Fiction - Cultural
- Non-Fiction - Drama
- Non-Fiction - Education
- Non-Fiction - Environment
- Non-Fiction - Genealogy
- Non-Fiction - General
- Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
- Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
- Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
- Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
- Non-Fiction - New Age
- Non-Fiction - Occupational
- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
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Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change (English and Spanish Edition)
Faisal Hoque

2023 Gold Medal
272 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Lift: Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change (English and Spanish Edition), by Faisal Hoque, Jeff Wuorio, and Shelley Moench-Kelly, is a compelling, powerful guide to transforming leadership around the globe. Our world is changing by the day, month, and year, and will continue to change. In the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, COVID-19, climate change, and economic instability, emphasis should now be placed on a different style of leadership--out with the old way of short-term results; in with a new way of people-centered, long-term results. These authors show how this is the perfect time to make some changes that will actually make a difference in this generation and the ones to come. This leadership style can extend to all facets of how we operate, from work, leisure, government, management, and beyond.
The authors call this type of leader "transformational", one who leads with the long view in mind, and concrete solutions, not just theory or platitudes. This style of leading involves compassion, action, emotional intelligence, and learning by experience. Although the entire book is fascinating and inspiring, I was most intrigued by the chapter that explained the Fourth Industrial Revolution, aka 4IR, which interconnects global technologies. After reading this book, you too may realize that we will probably never go back to the way we did things before COVID-19--change is needed, and now is the perfect time. Another interesting chapter is on the spread of misinformation, and how this new way of leading can address it. There is so much in this book to like, and the possibilities are far-reaching: finance, ethics, healthcare, technology, education, co-bots (robots acting as co-workers), etc. If you want to be this kind of new leader, or if the idea excites you for the great changes it could bring, Lift: Fostering the Leader in You Amid Revolutionary Global Change by Faisal Hoque is a must-read.
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Rethink Creativity
Monica H. Kang

2022 Finalist
196 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Do you believe in your limitless potential? Monica Kang does. She’s the author of Rethink Creativity: How to innovate, inspire and thrive at work. The entrepreneur, founder and CEO of InnovatorsBox® has cracked the code on creativity at work and shares how you too can be liberated to bring your whole self to work - and that includes your creative part! I can hear you say, ‘but I’m not creative’ or ‘I’m not an artist or musician’. Don’t worry, reading the latest edition will help you realize that creativity is universal and everyone (even you) can be creative. I loved the format of Rethink Creativity as each chapter cites a powerful quote to set the scene – like Edison ‘failing’ 10,000 times before creating the perfect lightbulb. So how can we call the 10,000 times a failure? Monica challenges readers to reflect on topics with probing questions and ‘outside the box’ practices. She introduces new ways of working, thinking, and relating to others so that by the end, you are set to bring 100% of your superpowers to work.
Rethink Creativity is a high-energy guidebook with something for everyone. Whether you head up a Fortune 500 company or the school’s PTA – leaders, managers, and team members will all learn something new. I was shocked that over 80% of professionals feel stuck at work, lack a creative outlet, and are afraid to offer an alternate opinion. No wonder the World Health Organization officially declared burnout (caused by chronic workplace stress) a major health problem. Imagine turning that statistic around, as Monica Kang did for herself. This internationally recognized expert shares how she cultivated her own creative side as a mindset and way of living. Her diverse work experience (including giving nuclear non-proliferation policy advice), and insights from growing up between two cultures, Korean and American, help us learn how to become better problem solvers, more mindful, and happier. Her lived experiences and humorous stories add to the book’s relatability.
There has never been a more important time to foster meaningful creativity in the workplace. Complete with exercises, an extensive reading list, and access to free resources so you never stop learning, Monica’s wish is to leave audiences with more questions than answers. Rethink Creativity certainly left me with more questions as it unleashed my creative genie out of its box. I’m enjoying playing detective and pushing deeper as I learn to innovate, unleash teams, and grow creative organizational cultures. You cannot be creative alone, so best get a copy of Rethink Creativity today, and let Monica leave you with more questions and poised for a brighter, more colorful, creative workplace.
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Transformation in Times of Crisis
Nitin Rakesh and Jerry Wind

2022 Honorable Mention
554 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Authors Nitin Rakesh and Jerry Wind present eight principles on turning crises into opportunities in order to stay relevant and competitive in these challenging times in their book, Transformation in Times of Crisis. As the world goes through a series of global health, economic, and political problems, this book discusses how to create opportunities in times of such disruption. These principles are discussed in separate chapters that reflect the best practices of notable companies. It not only helps to identify opportunities but also how to defend against these disruptions. Aside from the eight principles, it similarly provides a framework to develop your implementation strategy, as well as ten tools to aid you in the implementation process. It has a workbook feel to it, as it provides useful Q&A checklists to monitor your real-time progress.
I am not a business-savvy person, but Transformation in Times of Crisis was worth the time and read. This is a solid reference book that can help create a path for businesses to continue to navigate the tides of change in the world of business. Nitin Rakesh and Jerry Wind not only guide but also inspire, using relevant quotes to put emphasis on the points they are trying to make. Their case studies of prominent companies like Tesla, Netflix, and Zoom make them succeed in changing your negative perceptions and give solid proof that the pandemic is not an excuse for any business to flounder. One of the best parts of this book is how it allows you to view setbacks as an opportunity to transform and to emerge as a stronger entity in the market. Similarly, it shows you the pitfalls and ramifications of what could possibly happen if you choose to stand back and refuse to adapt. This is a highly-recommended read to all decision-makers, retailers, entrepreneurs, and anyone in need of an idea of how to overcome contemporary business adversities.
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Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads
Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Well-being for Working Professionals
Clif Smith

2022 Bronze Medal
224 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads offers exactly what author Clif Smith says it will: Unlocking Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Well-being for Working Professionals. Without ringing one bell or chanting one Om, the ex-CIA-trained intelligence officer, US Army veteran, and former diplomat shares a spiritual-free version of mindfulness practices that anyone can apply at work and home. Smith first quiets the noise around the concept of mindfulness, then shares examples of practices you can try over an eight-week period. None of them requires any spiritual belief! The overview of why mindfulness is critical today cites various studies of how work gets the bulk of our attention, followed by phone apps and Netflix, asking us what quality time is realistically spent in our lives?
Smith covers the myths of multitasking and the downsides of distraction, like how a three-minute social media break will take an additional twenty-three minutes to get you back on task. Readers will also learn why the wandering mind doesn’t allow proper rest and can create unhappiness; plus how consequences of physical presence without mental presence can increase stress and anxiety, compound health issues, and reduce productivity. So what’s the answer? According to Smith, it is a balance of non-striving (less doing, less should's, and more being), acceptance, letting go, and focusing on gratitude and generosity as a start. The rest is about practice – formal and informal – and patience with yourself, especially learning mindfulness. He urges us to be kind with the stories we tell ourselves about trying new mindfulness experiences.
In Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads, Clif Smith has brought his teaching to tens of thousands of corporate and government leaders as Ernst and Young’s Global Mindfulness Network Leader. Now you too can gain his valuable insights and perspectives. Each chapter summarizes key learning points and takes you step-by-step on a formal practice to try yourself, like starting simply with an Awareness of Breath meditation. Your informal practices come next and include everything from mindful eating and drinking to catching and releasing thoughts and keeping a gratitude journal. Daily mindfulness practices help you become more aware, happy, and healthy. If the spiritual side of mindfulness has been holding you back, Mindfulness Without the Bells and Beads is here to help you improve your work, relationships, and life, one breath at a time.
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Twelve-Minute Risk Management
Strategies and Tools Small Business Owners Need Right Now to Navigate Today's Business World
Ivy Walker

2022 Silver Medal
204 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

When you decided to become a business owner, you probably imagined some of the risks you would face. However, have you ever wondered if you and your company could deal with a cyber attack or if you are safe from fraud and abuse? Have you ever wondered if your workplace offers protection against violence? All of these situations need your consideration, but if you do not have the time to reflect on them all (every business owner has limited time), I recommend that you read Ivy Walker's handy manual, Twelve-Minute Risk Management: Strategies and Tools Small Business Owners Need Right Now to Navigate Today's Business World. Written for small business owners who want the best for their business, this book will put you on the right path by analyzing risks and offering what you need most - solutions.
Twelve-Minute Risk Management will make many small business owners happy. Ivy Walker will open the eyes of those who read her book and make them understand what steps are required for the security of their business. In particular, I was fascinated by the chapter on cyber-attacks. I believe the author's warning that small companies are more at risk than large ones will make business owners grasp the importance of paying attention to this aspect. The chapter about workplace violence (and the considerations of domestic violence it implies) also offers valuable insights into how the employer should deal with employees. This is a book that small business owners will appreciate for its no-nonsense approach. I believe they will all benefit from reading it.
Recommend this book:
Winning Digital Customers
The Antidote to Irrelevance
Howard Tiersky

2022 Silver Medal
400 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Winning Digital Customers by Howard Tiersky offers invaluable advice on staying relevant in a digital age. Chapter One commences with a discussion of the enthusiasm we feel for brands and products that successfully create a sense of connection with customers. Chapter Two explains the stages of Digital Evolution, then Chapter Three explains how digital transformation helps a business retain relevance, achieve cost efficiency, and attract employees. Chapter Four suggests convenience and personalization are key benefits to a digitalized product, while Chapter Five emphasizes the importance of a customer focus. Chapters Six to Ten discuss customer research and understanding the customer experience. Chapters Eleven to Fifteen workshop putting ideas into action, using innovation and “Design thinking”. Chapters Seventeen and Twenty-One discuss optimization, giving examples on making things work and combatting resistance to change.
Winning Digital Customers by Howard Tiersky is a readable and informative guide, providing insight into the reasons why some businesses successfully negotiate the digital age and others do not. The book also provides an interesting study into organizational culture and outlines the process of surviving transformation. Tiersky writes with authority and experience, covering material that would be appreciated by a business owner or corporate trainer. The book is illustrated with diagrams and flowcharts that make the explanations clear enough for any reader to comprehend. The occasional amusing anecdote lightens the mood and makes the business information relative and accessible. I recommend Winning Digital Customers by Howard Tiersky to anyone who enjoys reading non-fiction and learning about the economy.
Recommend this book:
Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe
The ultimate guide on how to provide amazing customer service and exceptional customer experience
Nikolaos Zormpas

2022 Gold Medal
288 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

Customer Escalations Management: The Golden Recipe by Nikolaos Zormpas is the ultimate guide on how to provide amazing customer service and exceptional customer experience. Dealing with customers and avoiding escalations is one of the most challenging parts of any business, but the good news is that this book redefines what true customer service means. Is the customer always right? This book tells you that it is not always the case. However, it is an aspirational ideology that, when placed in the right context, becomes the nucleus of the five steps you can take to overcome challenging situations and reach a mutual agreement with your valued customers. There is always a silver lining. Use The Golden Recipe to learn how to handle customer escalations that result in customer satisfaction.
Nikolaos Zormpas puts the human touch back into customer relations and strengthens the connection between people and your business. It is difficult to win customers yet it is very easy to lose them. Customer Escalations Management teaches you how to retain your customers, strengthen your brand, and accumulate more patronage. Zormpas guides you through all this by presenting you with a realistic approach to the subject. I've had my share of customer service experience, having worked at an outsourced call center, and I certainly wished I'd had this book back then. I like the way it teaches you a strategic approach to defusing customer frustration. The Golden Recipe is a huge boost in turning problems into opportunities. Customer Escalations Management is an invaluable reference for anyone who is engaged in a customer-oriented venture.
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Oops, I Became a Manager
Managing the Veterinary Hospital Team by Finding Unicorns
Amy Newfield

2022 Gold Medal
307 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

In Oops, I Became a Manager: Managing the Veterinary Hospital Team while Finding Unicorns, Amy Newfield provides a comprehensive guide to mastering leadership and management in the veterinary industry. Amy picks several engaging and humorous stories from her experiences while working with different veterinary teams to give readers practical, tested methods to employ with their teams. The book contains thought-provoking essays about learning to delegate and supervise optimally instead of trying to take on all the important activities, key traits to look for while selecting leaders, building trust and reducing gossip in workspaces, recognizing and dealing with burnout, and more. Whether you're new to the veterinary world or you've been practicing for a while, you will learn how to up your game in leadership and teamwork from this informative and complex book.
I wish that every professional role came with a candid, fully-packed guide, like Oops, I Became a Manager to advance individuals in their chosen careers and help them avoid costly mistakes. This is exactly what the book does for veterinary professionals. Still, the lessons about leadership and performing well with others within teams can be applied in any field. It doesn't get more practical than the direct steps Amy Newfield shares as it includes clear wording and messages to use in different situations, the activities to include in different types of meetings, and more useful information that shows that the author has mastered her profession. Thanks to this book, I now know how significant and beneficial something as simple as giving well-deserved praise can be. This is a well-balanced, engrossing book, with its abundant statistical information, real-life examples, and its friendly, interactive tone.
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The Happy Leader
A Leadership Fable about Transformation in Business and in Life
Shawn Johal

2021 Finalist
275 Pages
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

The Happy Leader: A Leadership Fable about Transformation in Business and in Life, by Shawn Johal, is an inspiring, original guide to becoming a better leader. The author uses a fresh, unique approach in this self-help book, incorporating his experience as an entrepreneur and leadership coach. But the most appealing part of this book, besides the valuable information, is the way Johal presents the material: Life-altering advice wrapped in a fable. In the world of business and finance, the words "happy", "forgiveness", or "meditation" may not immediately come to mind, but in this book they do, because these are just some of the concepts that Johal uses to transform your leadership skills, and maybe even your life.
Sometimes in life, or in the working world, you just need a change in perspective, or a new way of looking at what possibilities lie ahead. This is what the fable is all about. You can put yourself in the character's place, and learn something about yourself and what you can do to make changes for the better. The best lessons are often learned through parables, anecdotes, or stories, and Johal is clever in presenting his information this way. It's also entertaining. I especially like Ravi, whose impact on others is illustrated and recognized. Even if meditation is part of your life, the author will show you styles you may not be aware of and can make a difference, starting today. Positive change can come with commitment. It won't happen on its own. So the strategies found in this book are for those who really want to transform but aren't sure where to start, or who need to take a new route.
When the author talks about healing, happiness, and forgiveness, you really feel the personal side of leadership. One of my favorite things about the book is the actionable advice it contains: Establishing routines, creating habits that produce results, incorporating physical activity into your daily life, and being more disciplined. It will take some effort, but the journey will be worth the results. And if you find yourself not quite understanding the story, the author has included a Happiness Guide, which explains the philosophy and psychology behind it. For an inventive, impactful book on leadership, The Happy Leader by Shawn Johal is a must-read.
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The Sales Accelerator
How to Expand your sales capability to compete successfully in any market
Yamini Virani

2021 Honorable Mention
Kindle Edition
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Non-Fiction - Business/Finance

The Sales Accelerator: How to Expand your sales capability to compete successfully in any market is a work of non-fiction focusing specifically on sales techniques, and it was penned by author Yamini Virani. Designed to be read and utilized by those who work in the sales sector of their companies, or indeed CEOs looking to expand into new markets, this well organized and innovative book looks at the top strategies that can be put forward to build new sales teams in new environments and coach those teams towards adaptability, engagement and overall positive results when the sales figures return.
Author Yamini Virani bases this excellent work on years and years of intensive experience side by side with CEOs and sales executives, watching both their failures and successes as a strategy is developed towards faster scaling up and better return in new environments. The world of global communication makes international business a must for any large company, but Virani’s organizational style enables readers to break these vast issues down and understand them better from a specific sales perspective. Rather than a generic catch-all approach, Virani’s advice actually gives practical strategies to train a sales team, old or new, for adaptability and changes, which means that they will have the tools to develop around whatever new information they find as they tackle any international market. Overall, The Sales Accelerator gives some excellent advice which is well worth heeding, and the work comes highly recommended for CEOs and executives looking for solid and reliable advice.