150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Children - General
- Children - Grade 4th-6th
- Children - Grade K-3rd
- Children - Mystery
- Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Children - Non-Fiction
- Children - Picture Book
- Children - Preschool
- Children - Preteen
- Children - Religious Theme
- Children - Social Issues
- Christian - Amish
- Christian - Biblical Counseling
- Christian - Devotion/Study
- Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Christian - Fiction
- Christian - General
- Christian - Historical Fiction
- Christian - Living
- Christian - Non-Fiction
- Christian - Romance - Contemporary
- Christian - Romance - General
- Christian - Romance - Historical
- Christian - Thriller
- Fiction - Action
- Fiction - Adventure
- Fiction - Animals
- Fiction - Anthology
- Fiction - Audiobook
- Fiction - Chick Lit
- Fiction - Crime
- Fiction - Cultural
- Fiction - Drama
- Fiction - Dystopia
- Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
- Fiction - Fantasy - General
- Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
- Fiction - General
- Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
- Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
- Fiction - Historical - Personage
- Fiction - Holiday
- Fiction - Horror
- Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Fiction - Inspirational
- Fiction - Intrigue
- Fiction - LGBTQ
- Fiction - Literary
- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
- Fiction - Military
- Fiction - Mystery - General
- Fiction - Mystery - Historical
- Fiction - Mystery - Legal
- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
- Fiction - Science Fiction
- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
- Fiction - Sports
- Fiction - Supernatural
- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
- Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
- Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
- Fiction - Thriller - Medical
- Fiction - Thriller - Political
- Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
- Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
- Fiction - Time Travel
- Fiction - Urban
- Fiction - Visionary
- Fiction - Western
- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
- Non-Fiction - Animals
- Non-Fiction - Anthology
- Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
- Non-Fiction - Audiobook
- Non-Fiction - Autobiography
- Non-Fiction - Biography
- Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
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- Non-Fiction - Cultural
- Non-Fiction - Drama
- Non-Fiction - Education
- Non-Fiction - Environment
- Non-Fiction - Genealogy
- Non-Fiction - General
- Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
- Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
- Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
- Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
- Non-Fiction - New Age
- Non-Fiction - Occupational
- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
Recommend this book:
The Wanderer and the New West
Adam Bender

2018 Gold Medal
426 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

The Wanderer and the New West by Adam Bender is a dystopian view of an America that many may well see as a path the country is already headed down. Federal rule has virtually ceased and all power lies with the states - no longer is it the United States of America. Even the individual states have virtually given up trying to rule and law is implemented at the behest of corporations, one of the greatest of these being the Breck Ammunition Company. Into this lawless environment strides the impressive Wanderer. Nobody knows who he is or where he came from, but his mission, it seems, is to protect the innocent and to fight injustice. With his trusty sidekick, Kid Hunter, the Wanderer joins forces with wannabe journalist, Rosa Veras, as they attempt to "clean up" the New West.
I came to this book expecting to be reading a Western, but was more than pleasantly surprised to discover this is so much more. Set some time in the future, in a world not too dissimilar to where we currently find ourselves, the values and importance of the free press and of morality shone through this story. The characters themselves, especially Kid Hunter and the Wanderer, are necessarily caricatures of the Old West's most famous gunslingers and fighters of injustice. I found myself incredibly caught up in Rosa and her group's fight to expose the evil and corruption inherent within the corporation, and to bring some justice to the State of Arizona. The story was reminiscent of the old Westerns I'd read as a child, without becoming overly soppy. The humour was genuine and some of the banter between the Kid and the Wanderer was truly inspired. I couldn't put this book down and read it quickly and easily. The Wanderer and the New West by Adam Bender is an excellent story - I highly recommend it.
Recommend this book:
Pale Bricks
K. L. Stein

2017 Finalist
382 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

In Pale Bricks by K.L. Stein, readers are introduced to compelling characters and a powerful dystopian setting. Simone lost her mother when she was very young and she has been through a lot, being one of the lowest members of her camp. The number sewn onto her sleeve reminds her constantly of this. But Simone is not content to be where she is. Deep inside, she believes that life could be different, even better, that she can have more than the meager rations given to her by the Colonel. She needs freedom, and that is what pushes her to step beyond the boundaries of the only place she’s called home. What awaits her beyond the Ivory Tower she’s just discovered outside the walls of her camp? It’s up to her to find out or perish trying.
There is a lot for dystopian fans in K.L. Stein’s Pale Bricks. I loved the setting and the theme of freedom that is so well woven into the story. The fact that a few people rise up to take control of the majority has always been one of the problems humanity has had to face. Simone is a well-sculpted character and the conflict that drives the wonderful plot is constructed around her. Readers will feel immediately connected to her as she struggles to break free while working hard to keep herself safe and sane. The writing is gorgeous, seasoned with many vivid and compelling descriptions. I also enjoyed the psychological depth of the story and how the author explored the tensions within the protagonist’s thoughts. Pale Bricks has a fast-paced, unpredictable plot that will keep readers turning the pages until the end.
Recommend this book:
The Severaine
The Forgotten Legacies Series Book 2
K.J. Simmill

2017 Honorable Mention
629 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

There are books you pick up, read, savor, and put aside; you forget them and move on to the next. But there are some you read, put down, and they continue to haunt you for a very long time. K.J. Simmill’s The Severaine is the kind that you will read and find it very painful to put down, and the author should better be ready with the next story in the series. This is the second book in The Forgotten Legacies Series, a gripping story featuring a powerful force in its wake and on a path to destroying every life in its way. Can anything stop the Severaine? It’s a mysterious and malicious force whose sole purpose is to absorb every ounce of energy from every living thing, and if it is not stopped, it could be the end of the world. It is in this climate that K.J. Simmill creates heroes and villains, resurrects the forgotten gods and summons powerful creatures.
The Severaine is beautifully written, fast-paced, with very compelling characters. You’ll find intrigue and betrayal, and a powerful and plot-driven conflict. There is a lot of action to hasten the pulse of the reader’s heart, a lot of beautifully crafted scenes that leave the reader looking forward, anticipating more surprises. I enjoyed the hints of Norse and Greek mythology. This book combines different genres — thriller, dystopian, and fantasy — to weave a spell that will have readers entranced as they leaf rapidly through the pages. This is one of the stories I would love to watch on screen, a very entertaining read.
Recommend this book:
The Light of Reason
The Seekers Book 3
David Litwack

2017 Bronze Medal
310 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

David Litwack’s The Light of Reason is Book Three in The Seekers series, another brilliant and compelling entry to a series that is already growing long legs. In an alternate world, two seekers return from across the sea, having acquired exceptional knowledge and wisdom, with the hope of bringing more light to their world. But when Orah and Nathaniel reach home, they are stunned to learn that things have changed drastically. A deadly usurper sits on the throne of the Vicar and his plans are to wreak havoc, and he’ll use all the knowledge at the disposal of the Vicar to strengthen his dark reign. Faced with such a deadly adversary, the dreamers must make a very difficult choice, and the survival of their knowledge and enlightenment depends on their choice. Will they return to the dark world or face certain extinction?
The Light of Reason reads so much like a dream; it’s the kind of story that rekindles a region of our soul where we feel the strange stirrings, the beckonings of a higher world. The story is well-imagined and masterfully told, with a cast of very compelling and convincing characters. Nothing feels so strange yet so familiar, so impossible yet so convincing as the conflict that permeates the whole story. This is the first book I have read in the series and David Litwack comes across as a master in the genre, doing a perfect job so that the reader doesn’t need to read previous books in the series to connect to the story. The writing is flawless, featuring beautiful and vivid descriptions, intelligent and plot-driven dialogues, and characters that readers will easily relate to. Now, I will have to go back and read the other books in the series. David Litwack is nothing less than a master entertainer and is perhaps himself a gifted dreamer.
Recommend this book:
When Nothing Is All You've Got
Kirsty Dallas

2017 Silver Medal
288 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

I often wonder if we can keep civilization going along the bumpy road we are currently on. The threat and possibility that war, or something equally as devastating, will throw us into a primitive setback seems stronger than ever before. We have avoided this fate for my entire life and I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief when we thought we had made it through the Cold War relatively unscathed. I suspect our relief might have been premature. The struggle not to blow ourselves up may end up being a constant one. I like science fiction that shows some of the possibilities when we finally do. Some of my friends say I’m a pessimist. I think I’m a realist. That’s why I found When Nothing is All You've Got easy to believe. It is also why I liked it. I think Kirsty Dallas is a lot like me. She is a realist, living among optimists who label her a pessimist. She is also an excellent writer.
I like When Nothing is All You've Got because it is a real, gritty world with real characters. I like that. Too many science fiction writers don’t seem to really know what it’s like to live at the bottom of a vicious food chain. Kristy Dallas does. The writing is great. You need that to pull a novel like this off. The characters and the personal interactions are perfectly displayed and I could relate to every deal, every attempt to stab someone in the back, and every failure of trust. The plot is good and the action moves along at a crisp pace. For me, the setting is the strongest feature in When All You've Got is Nothing, but Nada herself is an appealing element too. But this world created her and, though she is gritty, she is extremely beautiful.
Recommend this book:
Illuminarium: Book 1 - Soliloquy's Labyrinth Series
Truth Devour

2017 Gold Medal
225 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

Holy Moly! That's the first thing I thought after I finished reading Illuminarium: Book One of the Soliloquy's Labyrinth series, the newest offering by author Truth Devour. This book is highly unique and inventive, and will lead its readers on quite an adventure. Follow the story of a forensic psychologist named Harper who, while on a walk in the woods one day, happens upon a book, mysteriously lying there, almost as if it was waiting for her. The book brings Harper into another world, and the story of York. The more she reads, the more she realizes that this book is far from ordinary. Before she knows it, she herself is involved in what is clearly a battle between good and evil. If you want to find out which side is victorious, well, you'll just have to read the book for yourself!
I so enjoyed this book. Author Truth Devour clearly has an extremely creative mind, and this creativity was certainly well used in this endeavor. Illuminarium is a book that will keep the reader turning the pages from start to finish. It is an incredibly engrossing read. The author's ability to write a true "story within a story," telling the stories of Harper and York simultaneously by utilizing the tool of the book, was an ingenious literary trick. Any reader who loves fantasy, highly inventive works of literature or just an excellent book by a largely undiscovered author would love Illuminarium. I highly recommend this book, and will certainly be watching for whatever author Truth Devour presents to her readers next! I am certain it will be an incredibly worthwhile read!
Recommend this book:
Blood Master
Book 1 of The G.O.D.s Series
Kirsten Campbell

2016 Finalist
442 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

Blood Master: Book 1 of The G.O.D.s Series by Kirsten Campbell is a paranormal fiction story with dystopian and science fiction elements. The story starts in 2052. After a Great War, the Earth’s population was broken into different factions who fight among themselves for food and supplies. One such faction, the Brotherhood, believes in a prophecy that is written in the Master Scrolls Book that an albino man with powers will come to their fortress to rid the world of the Guild Faction and the terrible evil the Guild Faction spreads. But Tassta has never seen an albino. She doesn’t even believe that they exist. Until she meets Griffin Storm. Griffin manipulates crystal and glass. He is a survivor of terrible experiments and is hunted by the Guild, the people that experimented on him, because his powers could change the world. The Guild believe that Griffin can transform into a G.O.D, a Genetically modified Omni-Dimensional creation with untold powers. Tassta believes Griffin is their chance to defeat the Guild once and for all.
Blood Master is an interesting story because there is a lot happening that will keep you entertained and thinking about the consequences. I liked Campbell’s idea that a creature modified by the “bad guys” could then gain too much power and help those fighting against the Guild in order to destroy it. It almost seems just, because if the Guild hadn’t been experimenting on people in the first place, they wouldn’t have created the one person who could destroy them. It’s like they are almost getting what they deserve, and I like that idea of justice. Readers will enjoy this story because of the interesting characters and the intriguing plot. Campbell was able to create a solid story line and readers will be itching to get to the book's last pages.
Recommend this book:
The Sixth Domicile
Book 1 of The Domicile Series
Courtney Ruggles

2016 Finalist
198 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

The Sixth Domicile by Courtney Ruggles is an amazing read! After a revolution in the outside world, people banded together and formed Domiciles to protect themselves. Ten were built in all, and this is the story of the Sixth Domicile. People in the Domiciles all wear black clothing and white masks, their bodies and faces are never revealed. The Elders exert strict control over the inhabitants of the Domicile. To take off your mask is an immediate death sentence in the Meurtre. As people are known only by numbers, this story revolves around Q437B and the love of her life, B116A. The two are best friends and become lovers shortly before a marriage ceremony. The ceremony is know as The Ripening, and all inhabitants are expected to marry the person chosen for them by the Elders. Once married, the couples are given a Life Path, which they are expected to follow without question. Here begins an extremely interesting story of love, hatred, loss and betrayal. Will Q and B be able to overcome their loss with being married to other people? How will they follow their Life Path and fit into society when they have known true love? Well, you need to read the book to find out!
The Sixth Domicile by Courtney Ruggles is the first book in what promises to be an extremely entertaining series. A real little gem of a book. It is an interesting look at how our lives can change. A war and subsequent rebellion force people to seek protection. Here we get an idea of what we are capable of doing to our society. Racial, religious and political strife could all lead us to this point. In the Domicile, there is no distinction between race or religion. All are covered from head to toe. This is certainly one way to combat some of the ills of society. But what happens when someone pushes those boundaries of life and death, absolute order and no free will? It's not that difficult to imagine such a situation. The story is well crafted, and draws you into this strange world. The characters are well defined and extremely interesting, and the tale is one you cannot put down. All of this makes an excellent book. I look forward to future adventures of life in the Sixth Domicile.
Recommend this book:
Fire War
T.T. Michael

2016 Honorable Mention
231 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

Fire War by T.T. Michael is about Anthony Jackson, a sharpshooter and devoted father. When he proves his loyalty to his nation and President Meyers, he goes from military man to a position on the President's staff. He has a first hand view of an ever-changing world during the mid-21st century. It isn't until his own daughter begins questioning the loss of civil liberties and basic rights that Jackson begins to question his loyalties to the President, who has so skillfully manipulated the public's fear of terrorism for his purposes.
T.T. Michael expertly weaves a futuristic tale of a devoted soldier, loving father and loyal American around many of the same issues that Americans struggle with today — including the balance between protecting civil rights with the security and prosperity of the nation. Fire War is a thinking man's dystopian novel written from the perspective of a strong adult male with concerns that most people can relate to. Anthony Jackson, for all his skill and knowledge, is portrayed as the average man doing the best he can with the hand he was dealt.
Read Fire War with an open mind to the possibilities and be ready to take a hard look at your present beliefs and how much you would be willing to give up for the promise of a brighter future. This is one dystopian thriller that you'll want to share with family and friends, both for the entertainment value and as a reminder of the Benjamin Franklin quote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Recommend this book:
THEM Invasion
A Scratch Sullivan Paranormal Post-Apocalyptic Action Novel
M.D. Massey

2016 Honorable Mention
188 Pages
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Fiction - Dystopia

THEM Invasion is an action/horror novel by author M.D. Massey, and the first book in the Scratch Sullivan Paranormal Post-Apocalyptic Action Novel Series. The ‘them’ of the title refers to the undead, primarily in the form of zombies. Our hero is Scratch Sullivan, a veteran of two tours of Afghanistan where he saw combat that has traumatized him, so much so that he finds it hard to lead a normal life. Lucky (or unlucky) for Scratch, normality is turned on its head as soon as the zombies arrive, and his previous experiences rally him into action against this vicious new threat. Worst of all, his elderly parents need rescuing, and society is slowly spiralling out of control all around him.
I really enjoyed the way M.D. Massey crafted the chaos of this novel’s situation. Sometimes in the PA genre, readers only get sucked into the hero’s struggle, but in THEM Invasion the whole state is up in arms and I felt that panic right the way through the story. The military references are superbly authentic, giving Scratch some credibility as an everyday hero, and I loved the characterisation and development that had clearly gone into even the smallest of side characters (the rednecks were particularly amusing). Despite the violence and gore of the horror genre, I smiled all the way through this accomplished and engaging read. Overall, THEM Invasion is a rip-roaring action fest with plenty to entertain fans of the zombie, action, adventure and horror genres, especially if they also love Texas!