150 Award Genres
- Children - Action
- Children - Adventure
- Children - Animals
- Children - Audiobook
- Children - Christian
- Children - Coming of Age
- Children - Concept
- Children - Educational
- Children - Fable
- Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Children - General
- Children - Grade 4th-6th
- Children - Grade K-3rd
- Children - Mystery
- Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Children - Non-Fiction
- Children - Picture Book
- Children - Preschool
- Children - Preteen
- Children - Religious Theme
- Children - Social Issues
- Christian - Amish
- Christian - Biblical Counseling
- Christian - Devotion/Study
- Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
- Christian - Fiction
- Christian - General
- Christian - Historical Fiction
- Christian - Living
- Christian - Non-Fiction
- Christian - Romance - Contemporary
- Christian - Romance - General
- Christian - Romance - Historical
- Christian - Thriller
- Fiction - Action
- Fiction - Adventure
- Fiction - Animals
- Fiction - Anthology
- Fiction - Audiobook
- Fiction - Chick Lit
- Fiction - Crime
- Fiction - Cultural
- Fiction - Drama
- Fiction - Dystopia
- Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
- Fiction - Fantasy - General
- Fiction - Fantasy - Urban
- Fiction - General
- Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
- Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
- Fiction - Historical - Personage
- Fiction - Holiday
- Fiction - Horror
- Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Fiction - Inspirational
- Fiction - Intrigue
- Fiction - LGBTQ
- Fiction - Literary
- Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
- Fiction - Military
- Fiction - Mystery - General
- Fiction - Mystery - Historical
- Fiction - Mystery - Legal
- Fiction - Mystery - Murder
- Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
- Fiction - Mythology
- Fiction - New Adult
- Fiction - Paranormal
- Fiction - Realistic
- Fiction - Religious Theme
- Fiction - Science Fiction
- Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Fiction - Social Issues
- Fiction - Southern
- Fiction - Sports
- Fiction - Supernatural
- Fiction - Suspense
- Fiction - Tall Tale
- Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
- Fiction - Thriller - Environmental
- Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
- Fiction - Thriller - General
- Fiction - Thriller - Legal
- Fiction - Thriller - Medical
- Fiction - Thriller - Political
- Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
- Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
- Fiction - Time Travel
- Fiction - Urban
- Fiction - Visionary
- Fiction - Western
- Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Adventure
- Non-Fiction - Animals
- Non-Fiction - Anthology
- Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
- Non-Fiction - Audiobook
- Non-Fiction - Autobiography
- Non-Fiction - Biography
- Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
- Non-Fiction - Cooking/Food
- Non-Fiction - Cultural
- Non-Fiction - Drama
- Non-Fiction - Education
- Non-Fiction - Environment
- Non-Fiction - Genealogy
- Non-Fiction - General
- Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
- Non-Fiction - Grief/Hardship
- Non-Fiction - Health - Fitness
- Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
- Non-Fiction - Historical
- Non-Fiction - Hobby
- Non-Fiction - Home/Crafts
- Non-Fiction - Humor/Comedy
- Non-Fiction - Inspirational
- Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
- Non-Fiction - Marketing
- Non-Fiction - Memoir
- Non-Fiction - Military
- Non-Fiction - Motivational
- Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
- Non-Fiction - New Age
- Non-Fiction - Occupational
- Non-Fiction - Parenting
- Non-Fiction - Relationships
- Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
- Non-Fiction - Retirement
- Non-Fiction - Self Help
- Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
- Non-Fiction - Social Issues
- Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
- Non-Fiction - Sports
- Non-Fiction - Travel
- Non-Fiction - True Crime
- Non-Fiction - Womens
- Non-Fiction - Writing/Publishing
Young Adult
- Young Adult - Action
- Young Adult - Adventure
- Young Adult - Coming of Age
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
- Young Adult - Fantasy - General
- Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
- Young Adult - General
- Young Adult - Horror
- Young Adult - Mystery
- Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
- Young Adult - Non-Fiction
- Young Adult - Paranormal
- Young Adult - Religious Theme
- Young Adult - Romance
- Young Adult - Sci-Fi
- Young Adult - Social Issues
- Young Adult - Thriller
Illustration Award
Recommend this book:
Killer Killer
Frank May

2022 Finalist
258 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

Killer Killer is a work of fiction in the suspense, mystery, and action subgenres and was penned by author Frank May. The work is intended for the general adult reading audience and contains references to death under suspicious circumstances and moderate threat. Our protagonist is Lee Ingram, Head of Cetacean Behaviour at a specialist facility for retired whales and dolphins from zoos and aquariums, who finds himself in a quandary when his suspicions are raised by the death of a diver at the facility. What results is a highly engrossing animal-centered cautionary tale that is sure to keep readers turning the pages from cover to cover.
Author Frank May has crafted a creative and hyper-realistic work of fiction with plenty of food for thought, action, and intriguing moments to offer readers. The novel has a technical feel to it overall, which reminded me of the style of writers like Michael Crichton, and the attention to the array of characters, their expertise, and motivations was second to none. This made for an interesting psychological drama alongside the mystery of the plot itself. The subject matter also really served to highlight important environmental issues in animal care and the current issues surrounding marine life, both in captivity and in the wild in general. I also really enjoyed the profiles of the different animals at the end of the work, which made it feel even more informative and grounded in reality. Overall, I would highly recommend Killer Killer to fans of well-founded realistic stories, mature characters who are well portrayed, and for fans of slow-burning mysteries everywhere.
Recommend this book:
My Brother Javi
A Dog's Tale
Tracy Stopler

2022 Honorable Mention
240 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

In My Brother Javi: A Dog's Tale by Tracy Stopler, a mom spoke with care and love to her baby Javi: “We’re not the same, but we’re equal. It’s our differences rather than our similarities that make us special.” Javi’s mother was very wise. As a Shih Tzu, Javi knows more about the importance of friendship and accepting change than anyone else, human or dog, and he shares his love with both his human and dog family. Javi knows life can be confusing, as his sister died shortly after birth and his brother was never born. His mother is full of love and wisdom and she convinces Javi that he has some unique superpowers and that he’ll become a superhero to the family that takes him home forever. That family, as it turns out, includes Binah, his adopted baby sister. What more could a dog want than a happy, loving home and lots of friends, both dogs and humans?
Tracy Stopler’s book, My Brother Javi: A Dog’s Tale, is a heartwarming account of a very special dog and an entire community of dogs. Javi is the main character and most of the story is told in the first person narrative from Javi’s point of view because it was written down in his diary. His best friend and adopted sister Binah finds the diary and shares the story, interspersed with some of her memories. The plot follows Javi’s life until sadly, Javi dons his hero cape and goes to the great doggy heaven beyond. The story doesn’t end when Javi passes away as it lives on through his friends and in his diary. The author has woven a compassionate story told with care and love about one very brave furry friend. Life is full of ups and downs, but the loving heart of a dog will carry us all through the best and the worst times. Just like Javi and Binah. A beautiful story. Loved it!
Recommend this book:
Cats in the City of Plague
A.L. Marlow

2022 Bronze Medal
138 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

Meet Leander, a cat who lives in a small town in northern France in the fateful year of 1349. When the plague - later called the Black Death - breaks out, he and the other cats find themselves in a difficult situation. Suspected of being in league with the Devil and considered the cause of the spread of the epidemic, the cats risk being killed by suspicious inhabitants. Leander and the others temporarily hide in the cathedral's crypt, but to be really safe, they must leave the city at night to take refuge in the forest (where it is said they lived long ago). Will they succeed? Find out by reading Cats in the City of Plague by A. L. Marlow.
Maybe it goes without saying that I started reading Cats in the City of Plague because I love cats, but what I found was beyond my expectations. The story of Leander and his companions is one of the most original I have read about our furry friends. Readers will take the cats' fate to heart (I am sure everyone will hope they reach the forest unharmed), but they will also learn how humans treated these creatures in the past and what beliefs were associated with them. I loved this book so much because A. L. Marlow entertains readers with a great story while shedding light on what could happen to cats during a plague. I recommend Cats in the City of Plague to all cat lovers who want to go back in time with their favorite pets.
Recommend this book:
Terriers in the Jungle
A Novel
Georja Umano

2022 Silver Medal
206 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

Terriers in the Jungle by Georja Umano is an animal adventure story narrated through the eyes of two terriers. Roxie and Romeo are two spirited terriers living fulfilling lives after being adopted by Kate, a passionate animal activist. A couple of years back, Kate's husband Gerard, a wildlife photographer, lost his life in an unfortunate plane crash in Congo. Since then, Roxie and Romeo have been her constant support and family. When the trio leaves their cozy home in California to make a trip to the jungles of Kenya, Roxie and Romeo have no idea what they are in for. But after being introduced to playful elephants, aggressive baboons, and nefarious poachers, they discover that the world is bigger than they previously thought. Along the way, Romeo helps local authorities catch two notorious poachers.
Filled with wit, charm, and humor, Terriers in the Jungle is a must-read for any animal lover. Georja Umano's adventure tale showcases the ways pets or animals in general help people cope with the rigors of life while providing unconditional love and company. The narrative focuses on two terriers from the busy streets of L.A. who unexpectedly find themselves amongst exotic wild animals in the jungles of Africa. Through Romeo and Roxie, the reader sees the ways animals interpret human behavior and their environment. Umano perfectly captures the essence of how animals deal with trauma and the loss of their loved ones. Terriers in the Jungle is a fun-filled adventure novel that can be surprisingly poignant at times. I enjoyed it immensely and highly recommend it.
Recommend this book:
Beyond The Human Realm
An animal story for adults
Gene Helfman

2022 Gold Medal
440 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

After his brief stint at Hamilton College ending in disgrace, Dr. Rudy Laguna accepts a teaching position at Northwest Washington State University. Despite his interest in orca behavior, he lacks both time and funds to start independent research. When an opportunity to spearhead an orca relocation project presents itself, he gladly accepts it. However, relocating a captive orca to the wild poses unforeseen challenges that Rudy must confront. How will Makai, the famous orca, fare outside a controlled environment? Will the complex social structure of the resident orca groups permit his inclusion? Beyond the Human Realm by Gene Helfman weaves these questions into a tale of extraordinary scope. This novel boasts a unique storyline, told from the perspectives of both humans and orcas.
Gene Helfman’s book serves as an eye-opener for human cruelty toward animals. Each page showcases such inhumane instances, questioning our integrity. Taking orcas as examples, Helfman proceeds to highlight our indifference to the natural world. Our reluctance to understand the intricacies of the animal world, one full of intriguing norms and rules, makes us oblivious to its beauty. The novel also speaks of an ancient time when humankind used to be at one with nature. Our greed and corruption have blinded us so much that we have severed this sacred connection and forgotten to respect our fellow non-human beings. Yet, some people still keep fighting the good fight. Helfman’s novel introduces some of them to us. With thrilling twists and a satisfactory climax, Beyond the Human Realm is undoubtedly one of my best reads so far. As an animal behavior enthusiast myself, I loved seeing the world from an orca’s point of view.
Recommend this book:
Wolf Code
A Sheltering Wilderness
Chandler Brett

2021 Finalist
290 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

Wolf Code: A Sheltering Wilderness by Chandler Brett is a gripping work of multi-layered science fiction. The plot involves a journey of the hunter versus the hunted, and the lives of wolves and woods. The novel opens with rich descriptions of the setting, which sets the stage for danger confronting a wolf pack. Their alpha disappears, and a new male and female have to take over and guide the rest of the pack through the threat and into safety. This is the wolves' story. The human story starts with a quiet creator of video games named Donovan, and a Cherokee who stands for animal rights. Don recovered from a childhood dog attack, but the effects still linger, and video games become his solace. When the chance to work for a video game company that designs werewolf hunting games presents itself, he is conflicted because he has met Tsula, who urges him to understand wolves in a new way. Thus he becomes more protective of them, and this new attitude is brought on by adventures in the wild. Don arrives at a crossroads in his life, and his decision could have lasting effects on the wolf pack and his own psyche.
Besides this fresh, original plot, Brett gives you relationships, the great outdoors, suspense, and animal rights issues. This author weaves an intriguing tale with compelling characters and important themes to ponder. The descriptions are visceral, the scenes are strongly drawn, pulling you into this world, entertaining animal and nature lovers alike. I really like the inside view of wolves and the Cherokee culture. I especially like the relationship between Don and Tsula because it feels realistic and natural. The situations they face are intriguing, and you really don't know what to expect. If you like character-driven novels with good story and character arcs, Wolf Code: A Sheltering Wilderness by Chandler Brett is the perfect reading choice.
Recommend this book:
Chance in a Lifetime
Jennifer Shenefield

2021 Honorable Mention
286 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

From the time he was a puppy, Chance demonstrated an exemplary ability to understand and communicate with humans. Not many dogs, even those well trained, have such an intense connection of comprehension. Chance was born to be a hero. He began his training as a guide dog and excelled at everything except getting in and out of cars. Something about vehicles frightened him. It was a challenge he had to overcome. And he did. Good thing, since braving the scary, noisy beast of metal would one day make him every inch the hero he already was.
Jennifer Shenefield’s novel, Chance in a Lifetime, is a compassionate, heartwarming story about a very intelligent guide dog. Trained to be a human’s set of eyes, Chance excels at all he’s tasked to do, from sorting the laundry to finding lost dolls. His goal is to keep his humans happy and safe. His reward is a powerful feeling of belonging, a feeling of being loved. And he is. The story is told in the first-person from Chance’s point of view. It begins with Chance as a young puppy and progresses through his training, his first human, and the sorrow of loss before he is connected with another human, this time a young boy, Ethan.
The character of the dog is well developed and the reader truly senses Chance’s emotions at every stage of his life. The human characters are also well developed and believable. The author uses the dog’s power of perception to provide a detailed description of each setting, so the reader feels completely involved with the unfolding narrative. There is a lot of love in this story and a lot of learning for Chance, his humans, and the readers who follow his story. A lovely story from beginning to end. The reader will laugh and cry and cheer Chance along. Very uplifting.
Recommend this book:
Cold Snap
A Viking Cat Mystery
Codi Schneider

2021 Bronze Medal
264 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

Cold Snap: A Novel by Codi Schneider is told in a suspenseful manner by a cat. Bijou isn't just any cat; she's a cat with a long history of courageous Viking ancestors. Her human, Spencer, runs Fox Burrow Pet Inn, where she boards animals in her home. Bijou's assistant is a Pomeranian dog named Skunk. She is flighty and easily distracted, which irritates Bijou at times. Spencer's newest arrivals include Eddy Line, who is opening a bakery, Hamlet the potbelly pig, and Fennec, a scared puppy. The adventures are whimsical as Bijou's pride, loyalty, and knowledge are put to the test. Her greatest challenge comes when Eddy is threatened, and someone dognaps a guest at the Fox Burrow Pet Inn. Bijou has to call on her inner Viking to help the humans find the culprits. Will it be enough?
I found Codi Schneider to be a creative writer with compassionate insight into feline thinking. Cold Snap is a steady stream of humor, suspense, and amazing antics of Bijou the Viking cat. This novel is refreshing as you never know what Bijou will do next or what other animal she will enlist as her accomplice. The author keeps you entertained with the drama animals come up with while the humans fall in love, start a business, and solve a crime. This novel was a delight to read, and I enjoyed the trivial information the author wove into the story. I had never heard of river surfing until reading this book and enjoyed reading more about this. I highly recommend this story to animal lovers.
Recommend this book:
A Dog's Life
A Collection of Humorous Tributes Celebrating Man's Best Friend
Peter Bogyo

2021 Silver Medal
106 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

They love us unconditionally and we love them back, but who loves whom more? That’s a difficult question to answer, considering dogs have a much shorter lifespan than humans and their unexpected (it’s always unexpected) and definitely unwanted sudden departures from life leave a big hole in their human’s heart. No dog lover (dog owner) is prepared for the inevitable and it hits us like a heartless tornado – straight through the heart. Even those who never cry, sob uncontrollably when their beloved dog passes away. I know I have. But, they leave behind such wonderful memories, some funny, some sad, definitely thought-provoking, and we wonder how we ever lived before they entered our lives.
There are many ways to remember our beloved dogs, the most vibrant members of a household, of a family. For writers, the most soothing catharsis is to write about them. That’s what Peter Bogyo has done. His book, A Dog’s Life: A Collection of Humorous Tributes Celebrating Man’s Best Friend, is a collection of touching and humorous stories about his own dogs and those who enjoyed full and rich lives with the author’s friends. Each tribute begins like an obituary, naming the dog, how old he/she was (if known) and how he/she died. Then it turns into a charming story that fully describes the dog, from his/her looks to his/her character and unique traits. Photos of the dogs are also included. This book, which outlines both man’s and woman’s best friends, is a fitting tribute to so many dogs. Told with love and compassion, these stories will have dog lovers laughing and crying, probably both at the same time. There’s nothing like a good story to remember a good furry friend.
Recommend this book:
General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms
David Bush

2021 Gold Medal
321 Pages
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Fiction - Animals

In a dark kingdom ruled by a merciless leader, King Roar, and his fierce, bloodthirsty felines, the five animal kingdoms live in fear and battle to survive. In General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms by David Bush, when a young ten-year-old boy named Jack arrives from another land, he shows the animals that if they came together as one, they could easily defeat King Roar. Together, Jack and Miaow, the modest head of the cats, plan their deadly mission; to defeat the seemingly undefeatable. As the war against their enemy comes ever closer, can they truly unite the animal kingdom and bring about their freedom? Jack and Miaow realize that they have only one chance at victory and if they do not succeed they will be finished forever. But little do they realize that their friendship will last an eternity and change the animal kingdom completely.
On the surface, General Jack and the Battle of the Five Kingdoms by David Bush seems like an exciting adventure story and the friendship between a young boy and a timid tabby cat, but the plot is multi-layered and has so many life lessons entwined throughout. Jack, who becomes General Jack, teaches the animal kingdom that by coming together and using their unique talents, they are a force to be reckoned with. Anything can be achieved, even the seemingly impossible if you believe it to be so. The build-up to the battle scenes was amazing and filled with brilliant tension, especially when General Jack and King Roar come face to face. The friendship between Jack and Miaow was one of the finest relationships I have read in a long time and there are some quite heartbreaking scenes between them. The plot encompasses not only life lessons but also political and social topics too. The storyline reminded me a lot of Animal Farm. The author has created a most wonderful story with strong and realistic characters that you genuinely care about. The ending is spectacular and reminds us that life goes on and why it is important to leave your mark for future generations.